CNN’s king of the talk-show hosts and the icon of one of the major television networks, Larry King, hosted an interview on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 with the devil himself. Many Iranians felt completely betrayed by Mr. King’s line of questioning. They felt that Mr. King was missing key questions. I am not advocating a hostile interview here, but how could Mr. King allow Ahmadinejad to easily dance away. It seemed he was deliberately making Ahmadinejad look and act like a human being.
As the old saying goes, "There's no such thing as a stupid question." However, in the minds of many Iranians as well as many non-Iranians, there is such a thing, and Mr. King lost huge points with his line of questioning. Yet, valid questions remain about media performance and the role of public communication practitioners in shaping perception. The role of media is not to impose self-censorship and avoid critical questions.
It is hard to digest how the liberal media has singlehandedly, in a matter of three short days, managed to make Ahmadinejad look statesmanlike. Mr. Ahmadinejad was given a forum to reiterate his deception, repeatedly. Larry King would not even say that he himself is Jewish and that he supports Israel. He looked very mesmerized by the presence of this evil man who is responsible for the death and misery that exists in Iran. He did not contradict Ahmadinejad, did not show him up. He allowed him to make points to undermine the existence of the friendship between Israel and the United States.
Ahmadinejad’s utterance on Tuesday echoed the past remarks he has made, including calls to annihilate Israel and threats to the U.S. and other countries that support Israel. On September 18, 2008, he said, “the Zionist regime is a regime that will disappear.” But, I have news for him, most Iranians believe that the Islamic Republic is an illegitimate regime and must soon disappear. On February 28, 2007, he said, “Zionists are the true incarnation of Satan.” Ironically, most Iranians believe that Ahmadinejad is the Satan and does not represent the Iranian people any more than his turbaned-colleagues presently ruling Iran do. What needs to be understood is that in fact Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs, above all else, are true Muslims and despise anything “Iranian” and its ancient “pre-Islamic” heritage.
When Mr. King asked him about his statement last year that there are no homosexuals in Iran, Ahmadinejad replied, that it is not the way it is here. It’s disliked in Iran. Then he asked Mr. King if he were concerned for 70 million Iranian people or a few homosexuals.
Mr. King should have asked how many homosexuals he has hanged this year and instead of asking him how many children he has, he should have asked him how many children he has hanged in the four years he’s been in office.
Mr. King missed an opportunity to ask him why he is so interested in securing Palestinian rights, while he is denying such rights to the Iranians. Why does he want a referendum for the Palestinian people to decide their own destiny, while he refuses the same to 7o million desperate and unhappy Iranians.
Over the years, much of the world has been preoccupied with its own problems and shown little concern for the plight of the Iranian people until the Mullahs installed a firebrand Islamist, Ahmadinejad, as the President of the country. This man, called “The Monkey,” by many Iranians is now alarming the world by being at the control of the Islamofascist train and throttling it full speed ahead for a cataclysmic collision. Ahmadinejad and his gang are loading their guns and doing all they can to obtain the bomb to bring about the biggest and most dreadful death that would usher in the “Mahdi”, their savior-ruler of the world.
In dealing with the mullahs ruling Iran, what you see is not what you get, and what you hear is not what they mean. Transparency and honesty are not their strong suit. So, we need a first-rate understanding of the Mullahs to see through their smoke-and-mirrors, as well as beyond their twisted tongues into their warped brains.
* Mr. King never asked why the Islamic Republic has been denying and violating a long-suffering people of all its human rights. They are guilty of beating, imprisoning and torturing hundreds of women who braved participating in a peaceful demonstration pleading for equal family rights, on the recent International Day of Women. This regime has systematically beaten, imprisoned, and tortured all manner of citizens, from school teachers to students to union workers, for daring to raise their voices against the plight to which they have subjected them.
* Mr. King never asked about an Islamic regime that has savagely beaten and hauled to its dungeons of torture and death over a thousand of the tens of thousands of teachers who last year gathered in front of the parliament requesting nothing more than their back pay and living wages.* He never asked why they have directed systematic genocidal measures against all non-Shi’a religious minorities, with Baha'is as their prime target. They arrest some Christians -- whom even their Quran calls "People of the Book” -- for observing Christmas.
* He never asked why they have implemented barbaric practices of stoning, hanging and amputations for those who are convicted of crimes in their kangaroo courts without any due process. They even imprison those few lawyers who rise in the defense of the innocent.* He never asked why they have plundered, mismanaged and doled out Iran's national wealth with the result that the great majority of the people are living in poverty. They have forced the Iranian women into prostitution to survive or simply are sold as sex slaves in Persian Gulf states.
* He never asked why they spend a fortune on the nuclear program that they claim is only aimed for peaceful purposes, while turning Iran into little more than a gas station nation, with its precious oil wealth squandered and its facilities on the verge of collapse through neglect. They have created a suffocating social atmosphere that has driven masses of the people to the use of hard drugs as a way of numbing their pain.
* He never asked why they look far and wide to support any and all terrorists. The Islamic Republic’s delusional theology mandates the creation of horrific conditions in the world so that the Hidden Imam is compelled to appear and establish his rule.* He never asked why they spared no efforts at sabotaging any settlement between the Palestinians and Israelis. They arm and train all Palestinian factions such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and any and all that come.
* He never asked why they direct similar criminal schemes on their eastern flank, in Afghanistan. They consider any democratic system as the enemy of Islamofascism, and rightfully so. They have worked ceaselessly to expand Iran's stolen funds, and do all they can in support of Shi’a co-fascists Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The Islamic Republic’s hands are dripping with the blood of thousands of Iraqis, victims of its bloodthirsty kin mercenaries aiming to kill a budding democracy in Iraq next door. They have supplied and continue to supply their mercenaries with armor-piercing projectiles for killing and maiming the coalition forces in Iraq. They are cowardly killing by proxy, using these roadside-planted bombs that have taken the lives of hundreds of Americans.
A final quote from the Ayatollah Khomeini, the founding father of the Islamic Revolution, should suffice since his words are still considered authoritative in Iran, and Ahmadinejad has been following his mentor’s words and deeds since Khomeini hijacked a peaceful and civilized nation:
“We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.”
Could Mr. King asked a more probing question than how many children he has and what is his stand on homosexuality? What a colossal parody!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Iran makes it a capital offence to change faith
Saturday, 20th September 2008. 4:28pmBy: George Conger.The Iranian parliament has passed the first reading of a bill that imposes the death penalty on Muslims who convert to another faith. By a vote of 196 to seven, with two abstentions, the Majlis passed the “Islamic Penal Law” bill on Sept 9.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Internet Repression In Iran
The promise of the internet is the free flow of information and ideas – at the touch of one’s fingertips. The appeal of that promise is obvious among Farsi speakers. In 2004, a survey found that Farsi was the fourth most popular language of bloggers on the internet. And internet usage in Iran has been steadily increasing. The press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders calculates that in 2004 there were just over one million internet users inside Iran; today it says, that number has climbed to eighteen million.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tarring Sarah Palin
The left lost not a minute in tarring Sarah Palin after McCain selected her as his running mate. Of course they had to be careful—very careful. As hard as they worked, they couldn’t dig up anywhere near as much dirt on this outstanding self-made governor than they have all along covered up for their darling Obama.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Genesis of Shi’a Islam
In order to understand the clerical rulers of Iran, we need to learn about the genesis of their religious faith, Shi’a Islam, and the pivotal place of the Mahdi. Examination of the vast Islamic literature shows that the present sect of Shi’a Islam has evolved from a mix of cultural, political, economic and religious influences. I shall outline, in a summary form, how the belief in the Mahdi, the revered Imam whose advent is expected by the Shi’a faithful, crystallized over time. The Mahdi is expected to appear and save the world when it has reached the depth of degradation and despair. Below is a brief chronological account of how Shiism and the belief in the Mahdi as its pivotal figure were formed.
* Muhammad ruled with an iron fist while alive and no one contested his authority. He designated no heir, and left no will, oral or written, and had no male issues from any of his wives and slave women to inherit the office. Some believers, however, felt that the prophet wished for Ali, his cousin’s and son-in-law, to assume the Ummah’s leadership while a vast majority opted for the Arab’s traditional patriarchal seniority-based practice by choosing Abu-Bakr as the Caliph.
* Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s oldest high disciple and the father of Muhammad’s nine-year-old child-bride Ayesha, assumed the position of the first Caliph and died shortly thereafter. He was followed by Umar ibn al-Khattāb. Then Uthman ibn Affan became the third Caliph, and finally by Ali ibn Abu Talib.
* Ali was considered by his admirers to be the greatest Muslim warrior and by his detractors as a vicious killer. Two of Ali’s sons, Hassan and Hussein were viewed similarly. Ali was murdered, according to one version, by one of his own followers who resented Ali’s capitulation to the Caliphate hierarchy. That is, the assassin and his like-minded Muslims felt that Ali betrayed Muhammad by not fighting to be his immediate successor and by consenting to be the fourth Caliph. Another version of his death is that a Persian warrior by the name of Brahman Jazyyeh killed Ali, avenging the death of numberless Persians that Ali and his people had slaughtered.
* Ali reportedly killed untold numbers of Islam’s enemies, including Persians, with his much-feared sword that had its own name: Zulfiqar. He was addressed by his followers as Amir-ul-Momeneen (Commander of the Faithful).
* The death of Ali transformed the feuding among the various Muslim factions into open warfare. Some decided to follow Ali’s son Hassan who was soon killed by contenders, then the faction adopted another son of Ali Hussein as their Imam. Hence, to these people, Ali was the first Imam; an appointee of Allah, without a firm basis for this belief. Ali was considered sinless and pure (taher) and immune from error. Over time, eleven males from Ali’s line were taken in succession as Pure Imams.
Thus, the 12-Imamate Shi’a originated with Ali as the first, Hassan as the second, and his brother Hussein as the third Imam.
* Hussein was killed in a fierce lopsided battle with Muslim opponents of the Imamate (those who opposed the system of Imamate leadership which is based on the hereditary succession of leaders from the line of Ali.) The two major divisions in Islam diverged with Sunnis opting for the elective Caliphate and Shiites for the hereditary Imamate.
* After Hussein’s death, some of his followers claimed that he had not died and that he would return. Others took to his brother Muhammad, and then later many took to Hussein’s son Zayn al-Abidin, as their Imam; and when he died, many followed his son, Muhammad Al-Baqir .
* Starting with the death of Ali, a strong belief began to form among his grieving followers that he had not died and that he would return to assume his rule. This belief in the return continued and eventually metamorphosed into the notion of Mahdi, or the Sahib-ul- Zaman (the Lord of the Age.)
* When al-Baqir died, there were once again elements from among the Shi’a who denied his death and claimed that he would return one day, while others settled on his son Ja'far al-Sadiq as their Imam.
* When Ja'far al-Sadiq died, there was mass splintering among the Shi’a. Each of his sons Isma'il, Abdullah, Muhammad, Zakariyya, Ishaq and Musa Al Kazemi was claimed by various groups to be their Imam. Also a faction believed that Jaa'far did not die, he had simply disappeared from view, and that he would return one day.
* The same splintering and confusion happened after the death of Moosa. Some denied his death, believing that he will return, some following his son Ahmad as their Imam, while others chose his other son Ali al-Rida .
* After al-Rida, many took his son Muhammad al-Jawwad -, also known as al-Taqi, and after him his son Ali al-Hadi -, or an-Naqi. At the death of Ali al-Hadi, they adopted his son Hassan al-Askari as their new- and 11th- Imam.
The above is a very brief synopsis of a tumultuous genesis of the Shi’a adoption of the Imamate belief which climaxed at year 254 AH: the time when a major section of the Shi'a accepted as their Imam the 22-year old Hassan, son of Ali al-Hadi, and 10th lineal descendant of Ali and his wife Fatima (Muhammad’s daughter). Six years later, Hassan al-Askari is lying on his deathbed, but unlike any of his forefathers he leaves no offspring, no one to whom the Shi’a might turn to as their new Imam.
The Shiites, who had been regarding Hassan al-Askari as their Imam, were thrown into mass disarray. Does this mean the end of the Imamate? The end of the Imamate, they felt would mean the end of Shiism. They were not prepared for that.
The confusion that reigned among the Shi'a after the death of Hassan al-Askari is recorded by his contemporary Shi'a writer, Hassan ibn Moosa an-Nawbakhti, who reports the emergence of at least 14 sects among the followers of Hassan al-Askari, each one with a different view of the future of the Imamate and the identity of the next Imam. Another contemporary Shi’a writer, Sa'd ibn Abdullah al-Qummi, records 15 sects, and a century later the historian al-Mas'udi lists 20 separate sects.
At least four major divisions of belief emerged to deal with the crisis of not having a legitimate male from the line of Muhammad to turn to as Imam. One group accepted the death of Hassan al-Askari and the fact that he left no offspring. To them Imamate had ended in like manner that Nubuwat (mission of Muhammad himself) had ended with his death. Yet, some in this group retained hope for the advent of a new Imam.
Another group refused to accept the death of Hassan al- Askari, and claimed that he would return in the future to establish justice upon earth. The refusal to accept the death of an Imam and retain the belief in his future return goes back to the very early days of the Imamate line.
Yet another group bestowed the mantle of Imamate to Hassan’s brother Jaa'far.
The final major group headed by Uthman ibn Sa'id al-'Amri claimed that Hassan al-Askari did in fact have a son, Muhammad, who had gone into hiding at the age of four for reasons of safety and no one but himself could have any contact with him. Uthman ibn Sa'id al-'Amri further claimed that as Wakeel (representative) of the Imam he was the one to collect money in the name of the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (descendents of Muhammad).
Hassan al-Askari's own family denied the existence of any child of his, and divided his estate between his brother Jaa'far and his mother. Yet Uthman ibn Sa'id and his gang won the allegiance of the masses of the believers by denouncing Jaa'far as al-Kadhdhab (the Liar).
This school of thought ultimately became the dominant view in Shiism with a new Wakeel following the death of a previous one.
With the passage of time, in-fighting among the various claimants for being the Wakeel exposed the scheme for nothing more than a way of extracting money from the gullible faithful. Yet, the belief in the Hidden Imam and his return remains a fundamental belief of Shiites.
To this day, the ever-supplicated cry of the Shi’a faithful is Ya Saheb-ul-Zaman (Lord of the Age Mahdi) hasten your return. Who is the much prayed for Mahdi? The four-year old who never was? The four-year old who went into hiding in a well, as some Shiites believe to this day—the well in Iran’s Jamkaran where president Ahmadinejad frequently visits, submits his written requests, and receives his marching orders from the Hidden Imam to whom he claims he is accountable?
Debunking the belief in the Hidden Imam and his return is pivotal to the falsifying of Shiism and helping the long-deluded Muslims in abandoning a fiction that has ruled and ruined their lives for far too long.
* Muhammad ruled with an iron fist while alive and no one contested his authority. He designated no heir, and left no will, oral or written, and had no male issues from any of his wives and slave women to inherit the office. Some believers, however, felt that the prophet wished for Ali, his cousin’s and son-in-law, to assume the Ummah’s leadership while a vast majority opted for the Arab’s traditional patriarchal seniority-based practice by choosing Abu-Bakr as the Caliph.
* Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s oldest high disciple and the father of Muhammad’s nine-year-old child-bride Ayesha, assumed the position of the first Caliph and died shortly thereafter. He was followed by Umar ibn al-Khattāb. Then Uthman ibn Affan became the third Caliph, and finally by Ali ibn Abu Talib.
* Ali was considered by his admirers to be the greatest Muslim warrior and by his detractors as a vicious killer. Two of Ali’s sons, Hassan and Hussein were viewed similarly. Ali was murdered, according to one version, by one of his own followers who resented Ali’s capitulation to the Caliphate hierarchy. That is, the assassin and his like-minded Muslims felt that Ali betrayed Muhammad by not fighting to be his immediate successor and by consenting to be the fourth Caliph. Another version of his death is that a Persian warrior by the name of Brahman Jazyyeh killed Ali, avenging the death of numberless Persians that Ali and his people had slaughtered.
* Ali reportedly killed untold numbers of Islam’s enemies, including Persians, with his much-feared sword that had its own name: Zulfiqar. He was addressed by his followers as Amir-ul-Momeneen (Commander of the Faithful).
* The death of Ali transformed the feuding among the various Muslim factions into open warfare. Some decided to follow Ali’s son Hassan who was soon killed by contenders, then the faction adopted another son of Ali Hussein as their Imam. Hence, to these people, Ali was the first Imam; an appointee of Allah, without a firm basis for this belief. Ali was considered sinless and pure (taher) and immune from error. Over time, eleven males from Ali’s line were taken in succession as Pure Imams.
Thus, the 12-Imamate Shi’a originated with Ali as the first, Hassan as the second, and his brother Hussein as the third Imam.
* Hussein was killed in a fierce lopsided battle with Muslim opponents of the Imamate (those who opposed the system of Imamate leadership which is based on the hereditary succession of leaders from the line of Ali.) The two major divisions in Islam diverged with Sunnis opting for the elective Caliphate and Shiites for the hereditary Imamate.
* After Hussein’s death, some of his followers claimed that he had not died and that he would return. Others took to his brother Muhammad, and then later many took to Hussein’s son Zayn al-Abidin, as their Imam; and when he died, many followed his son, Muhammad Al-Baqir .
* Starting with the death of Ali, a strong belief began to form among his grieving followers that he had not died and that he would return to assume his rule. This belief in the return continued and eventually metamorphosed into the notion of Mahdi, or the Sahib-ul- Zaman (the Lord of the Age.)
* When al-Baqir died, there were once again elements from among the Shi’a who denied his death and claimed that he would return one day, while others settled on his son Ja'far al-Sadiq as their Imam.
* When Ja'far al-Sadiq died, there was mass splintering among the Shi’a. Each of his sons Isma'il, Abdullah, Muhammad, Zakariyya, Ishaq and Musa Al Kazemi was claimed by various groups to be their Imam. Also a faction believed that Jaa'far did not die, he had simply disappeared from view, and that he would return one day.
* The same splintering and confusion happened after the death of Moosa. Some denied his death, believing that he will return, some following his son Ahmad as their Imam, while others chose his other son Ali al-Rida .
* After al-Rida, many took his son Muhammad al-Jawwad -, also known as al-Taqi, and after him his son Ali al-Hadi -, or an-Naqi. At the death of Ali al-Hadi, they adopted his son Hassan al-Askari as their new- and 11th- Imam.
The above is a very brief synopsis of a tumultuous genesis of the Shi’a adoption of the Imamate belief which climaxed at year 254 AH: the time when a major section of the Shi'a accepted as their Imam the 22-year old Hassan, son of Ali al-Hadi, and 10th lineal descendant of Ali and his wife Fatima (Muhammad’s daughter). Six years later, Hassan al-Askari is lying on his deathbed, but unlike any of his forefathers he leaves no offspring, no one to whom the Shi’a might turn to as their new Imam.
The Shiites, who had been regarding Hassan al-Askari as their Imam, were thrown into mass disarray. Does this mean the end of the Imamate? The end of the Imamate, they felt would mean the end of Shiism. They were not prepared for that.
The confusion that reigned among the Shi'a after the death of Hassan al-Askari is recorded by his contemporary Shi'a writer, Hassan ibn Moosa an-Nawbakhti, who reports the emergence of at least 14 sects among the followers of Hassan al-Askari, each one with a different view of the future of the Imamate and the identity of the next Imam. Another contemporary Shi’a writer, Sa'd ibn Abdullah al-Qummi, records 15 sects, and a century later the historian al-Mas'udi lists 20 separate sects.
At least four major divisions of belief emerged to deal with the crisis of not having a legitimate male from the line of Muhammad to turn to as Imam. One group accepted the death of Hassan al-Askari and the fact that he left no offspring. To them Imamate had ended in like manner that Nubuwat (mission of Muhammad himself) had ended with his death. Yet, some in this group retained hope for the advent of a new Imam.
Another group refused to accept the death of Hassan al- Askari, and claimed that he would return in the future to establish justice upon earth. The refusal to accept the death of an Imam and retain the belief in his future return goes back to the very early days of the Imamate line.
Yet another group bestowed the mantle of Imamate to Hassan’s brother Jaa'far.
The final major group headed by Uthman ibn Sa'id al-'Amri claimed that Hassan al-Askari did in fact have a son, Muhammad, who had gone into hiding at the age of four for reasons of safety and no one but himself could have any contact with him. Uthman ibn Sa'id al-'Amri further claimed that as Wakeel (representative) of the Imam he was the one to collect money in the name of the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (descendents of Muhammad).
Hassan al-Askari's own family denied the existence of any child of his, and divided his estate between his brother Jaa'far and his mother. Yet Uthman ibn Sa'id and his gang won the allegiance of the masses of the believers by denouncing Jaa'far as al-Kadhdhab (the Liar).
This school of thought ultimately became the dominant view in Shiism with a new Wakeel following the death of a previous one.
With the passage of time, in-fighting among the various claimants for being the Wakeel exposed the scheme for nothing more than a way of extracting money from the gullible faithful. Yet, the belief in the Hidden Imam and his return remains a fundamental belief of Shiites.
To this day, the ever-supplicated cry of the Shi’a faithful is Ya Saheb-ul-Zaman (Lord of the Age Mahdi) hasten your return. Who is the much prayed for Mahdi? The four-year old who never was? The four-year old who went into hiding in a well, as some Shiites believe to this day—the well in Iran’s Jamkaran where president Ahmadinejad frequently visits, submits his written requests, and receives his marching orders from the Hidden Imam to whom he claims he is accountable?
Debunking the belief in the Hidden Imam and his return is pivotal to the falsifying of Shiism and helping the long-deluded Muslims in abandoning a fiction that has ruled and ruined their lives for far too long.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Iran Mullahs’ Blame Game
It is a fundamental human trait to locate the source of anything bad happening and try to neutralize it. There are, however, times that the source of the harm cannot be pinpointed or when successfully recognized it cannot be eliminated. Failure to recognize the source or neutralize it is frustrating. And frustration triggers a variety of emotions and reactions. The feeling of victimization is one possible reaction that frequently goes hand-in-hand with displaced aggression on a convenient safe target. The aggression can be verbal, physical, or a combination of the two.
The Mullahs presently ruling Iran are faced with monumental threats. Internally, the great majority of the populace is against their misrule. Labor unions, teachers associations, student groups, religious and ethnic minorities, journalists and many others have suffered and continue to suffer inordinate hardship under the heavy-handed Mullahs and their front-men. Externally, they are engaged in brinksmanship with the United States and Israel, while trying to wrestle the mantle of Islamic leadership from the Sunni Saudis and their Wahhabi cabal.
The Mullahs deflect responsibility for the mess they have made of Iran by skillfully playing the blame game. Blaming others for our problems seems to have become part of our national character, dating some 1400 years to the time when an army of bloodthirsty savages lofting the banner of Islam invaded our country. These barbarians hailed out of the Arabian Peninsula, heartlessly slaughtered innocent people, burned libraries, and took whatever they wanted, including women and children, as booty of war.
My country, the present Iran, a cradle of civilization, the land of Cyrus the Great—the first author of the Human Rights Charter—was ravaged by the Muslim killers. The upstanding Iranian people who lived by the Great Zoroaster’s triad of Goodly Thoughts, Goodly Speech, and Goodly Deeds stood no chance against the Muslim beasts who had been promised by Muhammad: if you kill, or you get killed, either way you will be admitted to Allah’s gloriously lush paradise for eternity in compensation. This pie-in-the-sky paradise of Allah, Muhammad intimated, includes among other things, rivers of milk and honey as well as 72 virgins for every male.
The invasion of my country was only the start of the tenacious scourge of Islam. Slaughtering people by hundreds of thousands at the time left the remainder of the Iranians little choice but to convert to the creed of this cult of violence. Choiceless millions converted to Islam and a few hundred thousand brave souls circled the wagon, so to speak, and held firm to their creed of light—the Zoroastrian faith. For centuries, the Zoroastrians paid heavily in all manners of ways under the rule of the converted Muslims; many were forced to leave for other lands such as India, while others were driven out of their habitats to marginal parts of the land.
Yet, all along many Iranians revered the religion of their ancestors and resented the Arab-imposed creed. Nonetheless, the virus of Islam had taken deep roots. As a result a compromise evolved. The overwhelming majority of the Iranians, who had become some sort of generic Muslims, parted company with the original line of Sunni-Caliphate and adopted Shiism. The tragic history of Shiism appealed to the Iranians who felt great affinity, consciously or unconsciously, with the tragic suffering of the Imamate line at the hand of the mainstream Sunni Muslims.
Switching allegiance from one sect of the cult of death to another did little more than provide a venting opportunity to the victimized Iranians. They could not find it in themselves to get rid of the Islamic virus while it offered them a degree of relief, enabling them to vilify the mainstream Sunnis for inflicting them with the Islamic disease in the first place.
Fourteen hundred years of suffering is far too long for any people, although the Jews hold the record for that misfortune. The Jews have at long last returned to their homeland even though they are still encircled by the vicious Arab Islamists who would like nothing better than to drown every last one of them in the sea, similar to the way the Islamists forced our Zoroastrian people out of the country or the remaining few to the edges of inhospitable desert.
With the passage of time, blaming the historical foreign invaders for our sorry plight failed as explanation. Re-playing the long-ago tragic drama of the Imams’ sufferings did little more than supply a superficial psychological relief. Real new enemy-making was in order to keep the victimization mentality alive and prevent the people from self-examination to find the true culprit for their misery.
The search for new culprits was a success story. The creative minds of the politicians and the Mullahs found grains of truth here and there and made mountains of molehills. Tsarist Russia to the north was seen as dead set to annex much of what has remained of Iran and aimed to expand itself all the way to the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. Then there were the British who had colonized Indian Subcontinent and dominated much of the Middle Eastern Arab lands. Iran was next in their hairline. The demise of the Tsarist Russia gave birth to yet a more virulent threat of the Soviet Union. Of more recent time, the United States and its support of the Shah, who had an amicable relationship with Israel, made the U.S. and Israel perfect targets of blame.
Sadly, the victimization mentality seems to have become an irreversible disease of our people, the Iranians. We have become a nation of easy answers. We ascribe blame liberally and do very little deep soul-searching. We fail to accept the fact that blaming others hasn’t done much to address our problems. Equally pathological is building straw-men to knock them down.
No matter how loudly and frequently Ahmadinejad brays about eliminating Israel and chasing the U.S. to its corner of the world, Iran’s problems will remain and the Iranian people will continue to suffer. Please, my people, don’t let this end-of-the-worlder homicidal-suicidal man and his gang of frauds take you on a certain death ride. Let us, once and for all, purge ourselves of the deadly disease of victimization and join the world in a multilateral live-and-let-live relationship. America is not our enemy, neither is Israel. We are our own worst enemy by remaining chained to the victimization mentality, buying the Mullahs’ blame game, and following the ruling Islamists who are either crooks, mentally disturbed or both.
The Mullahs presently ruling Iran are faced with monumental threats. Internally, the great majority of the populace is against their misrule. Labor unions, teachers associations, student groups, religious and ethnic minorities, journalists and many others have suffered and continue to suffer inordinate hardship under the heavy-handed Mullahs and their front-men. Externally, they are engaged in brinksmanship with the United States and Israel, while trying to wrestle the mantle of Islamic leadership from the Sunni Saudis and their Wahhabi cabal.
The Mullahs deflect responsibility for the mess they have made of Iran by skillfully playing the blame game. Blaming others for our problems seems to have become part of our national character, dating some 1400 years to the time when an army of bloodthirsty savages lofting the banner of Islam invaded our country. These barbarians hailed out of the Arabian Peninsula, heartlessly slaughtered innocent people, burned libraries, and took whatever they wanted, including women and children, as booty of war.
My country, the present Iran, a cradle of civilization, the land of Cyrus the Great—the first author of the Human Rights Charter—was ravaged by the Muslim killers. The upstanding Iranian people who lived by the Great Zoroaster’s triad of Goodly Thoughts, Goodly Speech, and Goodly Deeds stood no chance against the Muslim beasts who had been promised by Muhammad: if you kill, or you get killed, either way you will be admitted to Allah’s gloriously lush paradise for eternity in compensation. This pie-in-the-sky paradise of Allah, Muhammad intimated, includes among other things, rivers of milk and honey as well as 72 virgins for every male.
The invasion of my country was only the start of the tenacious scourge of Islam. Slaughtering people by hundreds of thousands at the time left the remainder of the Iranians little choice but to convert to the creed of this cult of violence. Choiceless millions converted to Islam and a few hundred thousand brave souls circled the wagon, so to speak, and held firm to their creed of light—the Zoroastrian faith. For centuries, the Zoroastrians paid heavily in all manners of ways under the rule of the converted Muslims; many were forced to leave for other lands such as India, while others were driven out of their habitats to marginal parts of the land.
Yet, all along many Iranians revered the religion of their ancestors and resented the Arab-imposed creed. Nonetheless, the virus of Islam had taken deep roots. As a result a compromise evolved. The overwhelming majority of the Iranians, who had become some sort of generic Muslims, parted company with the original line of Sunni-Caliphate and adopted Shiism. The tragic history of Shiism appealed to the Iranians who felt great affinity, consciously or unconsciously, with the tragic suffering of the Imamate line at the hand of the mainstream Sunni Muslims.
Switching allegiance from one sect of the cult of death to another did little more than provide a venting opportunity to the victimized Iranians. They could not find it in themselves to get rid of the Islamic virus while it offered them a degree of relief, enabling them to vilify the mainstream Sunnis for inflicting them with the Islamic disease in the first place.
Fourteen hundred years of suffering is far too long for any people, although the Jews hold the record for that misfortune. The Jews have at long last returned to their homeland even though they are still encircled by the vicious Arab Islamists who would like nothing better than to drown every last one of them in the sea, similar to the way the Islamists forced our Zoroastrian people out of the country or the remaining few to the edges of inhospitable desert.
With the passage of time, blaming the historical foreign invaders for our sorry plight failed as explanation. Re-playing the long-ago tragic drama of the Imams’ sufferings did little more than supply a superficial psychological relief. Real new enemy-making was in order to keep the victimization mentality alive and prevent the people from self-examination to find the true culprit for their misery.
The search for new culprits was a success story. The creative minds of the politicians and the Mullahs found grains of truth here and there and made mountains of molehills. Tsarist Russia to the north was seen as dead set to annex much of what has remained of Iran and aimed to expand itself all the way to the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. Then there were the British who had colonized Indian Subcontinent and dominated much of the Middle Eastern Arab lands. Iran was next in their hairline. The demise of the Tsarist Russia gave birth to yet a more virulent threat of the Soviet Union. Of more recent time, the United States and its support of the Shah, who had an amicable relationship with Israel, made the U.S. and Israel perfect targets of blame.
Sadly, the victimization mentality seems to have become an irreversible disease of our people, the Iranians. We have become a nation of easy answers. We ascribe blame liberally and do very little deep soul-searching. We fail to accept the fact that blaming others hasn’t done much to address our problems. Equally pathological is building straw-men to knock them down.
No matter how loudly and frequently Ahmadinejad brays about eliminating Israel and chasing the U.S. to its corner of the world, Iran’s problems will remain and the Iranian people will continue to suffer. Please, my people, don’t let this end-of-the-worlder homicidal-suicidal man and his gang of frauds take you on a certain death ride. Let us, once and for all, purge ourselves of the deadly disease of victimization and join the world in a multilateral live-and-let-live relationship. America is not our enemy, neither is Israel. We are our own worst enemy by remaining chained to the victimization mentality, buying the Mullahs’ blame game, and following the ruling Islamists who are either crooks, mentally disturbed or both.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Iran Mullahs' Reign of Terror
Islamic Republic terror machine once again has taken off at the speed of light in Iran and exemplifies a depraved, clerical system of government, which legitimizes its depravity through a series of terror, fear and intimidation of Iranian people. With the additional handpicking of the newly selected members of the Islamic "Majles," the clergies have intensified their terror and war against the people of Iran and their insatiable appetite for another holocaust against the Jewish State, at all cost. The leaders of the Islamic Republic have gone completely mad.
The Islamic Republic has stationed revolutionary and militia troops to actively and deliberately prevent anyone from any demonstrations or objections against the totalitarian regime. They are planning to silence people by any means available to them.
Parents who inquire at police headquarters about their arrested sons and daughters could be taken away or simply disappear. Students are tortured and, on many occasions, murdered for crimes they never committed. And yet, we see many western governments are engaging and heavily investing in the Islamic Republic where its survival depends upon shedding the blood of innocent Iranians.
The members of the Guardian Council determine the goals of the state and the means of achieving them in almost complete isolation from the people. They believe that the interests of the individual are to be sacrificed to those of the clergies and the Islamic agendas, which are in contrast with the needs and the goals of 90 percent of the Iranian population.
During the previous presidential "election," only a small percentage of the voters bothered to vote, since voting under the pre-screening system of the mullahs is more like selection than election. The result of staying away from the polls materialized in the person of the intransigent, Islamofascist Ahmadinejad and his abiding Islamic death-based beliefs.
The litany of Islamic death-based beliefs and actions is long indeed. It is, therefore, understandable that Iran’s Mullahs are obsessed agents of death. Islam, the Mullahs and their fanatic follower’s system of belief, denigrates life and glorifies death. To these people, death is not death. It is martyrdom, a sure passage to the unimaginably magnificent eternal paradise promised in the Quran.
Under the rule of these adherents of death, everything in Iran is deteriorating and dying. In spite of huge oil revenues, the per capita income of the Iranians is now about one fourth of what it was before the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Every form of misery has also skyrocketed. Drug addiction, prostitution and suicide have gone through the roof. The young and the educated continue deserting Iran and family, fleeing to the four corners of the world in search of a decent life.
The Islamic Republic has subjected all aspects of Persian society to strict control, not tolerating even the slightest expression of local initiative, let alone political unorthodoxy. The regime's leadership feels especially threatened by the intelligentsia, the writers, the poets, the journalists and the human rights activists whom they started to kidnap and murder in 1998. This action is known as "the chain murders.
"Eighteen people - three principals and 15 accomplices - were charged with assassinating five dissident writers and politicians in 1998. They are said to have been part of a 'terror machine' working for the establishment. The accused are described routinely in the Iranian media as 'rogue elements' of the Intelligence Ministry. They were led by Saeed Imami, a senior ministry official, reported to have committed suicide in detention in June 1999 by drinking hair remover while having a bath."
Despite being a signatory to international treaties that clearly prohibit the heinous practice of child execution in Iran, the Islamic regime has carried out and continues to carry out, many executions for crimes committed by people younger than 18 years of age, against international law. In 2006, the President of the Islamic Republic, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blocked efforts to stop juvenile executions in Iran, according to Human Rights Watch.
Thousands of lives have ended by evil, despicable acts of terror in the land that was the cradle of civilization, and now acts to cradle Islamic Terrorism. When the evil empire of communism in Russia was still alive, no one envisioned a more determined and more complicated evil empire would soon emerge. Islamic terrorism is responsible for the death of millions of innocent lives since its inception 1400 year ago.
The founder of Islam said, "invitation first, that is, call them first to embrace Islam. If they refuse, then war." That is how Islam advanced in Iran and completely burned and destroyed the most advanced library and the relics of one of the greatest and most civilized empires this world has ever known. They turned it to the darkest chapters of Persian history, and 1400 years later, we see a replication of history right in front of our own eyes, except, now, they are equipped with the weapons of mass destruction and willing to use them at any time and at any cost, in the name “Allah”.
I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people till they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah, and perform Salat and give Zakat , so if they perform all that, then they save their lives, and properties from me except for Islamic laws, and their reckoning (accounts) will be with (done by) Allah." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.1, Hadith No.24)
I heard the Prophet saying, “In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. They will give good talks, but they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out of its game, their faith will not exceed their throats. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection.” (Bukhari, 6:6:577)
The Islamic regime is merely following the footsteps of its holy prophet, hence they are murdering people for the sake of Allah "The sword," said the holy prophet "is the key of heaven and hell; a drop of blood shed in the cause of Allah, a night spent in arms, is of more avail than two months of fasting or prayer: whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven at the day of judgment. His wounds will be resplendent as vermilion, and odoriferous as musk, and the loss of limbs shall be supplied by the wings of angels and of cherubim.
At this momentous era, we would do well to recall the example of an Irish-American President—John F. Kennedy—looking at the Communists’ Wall of Shame in Berlin, proclaiming, “Ich bin ein Berliner”—“I am a Berliner.” By so claiming, he helped rally free people of the world that brought down the wall and created a momentum that eventually swept the totalitarian Communist wall-builders into the dustbin of history.
Now the world is facing wall-builders of a different kind, the Islamofascists who have been at their shameless work for centuries. As their walls, built with superstition, discrimination and blood, are crumbling, they are intent on building walls in new territories.
But once again, human decency is rising to the challenge. This time, in the voice and actions of billions of free people who proclaim: we are also children of Iran in the spirit of Cyrus the Great; we meet any challenge and pay any price to defeat Islamofascism; and, we will not rest until humanity is completely free of the despotic rule of Islamofascism.
The Islamic Republic has stationed revolutionary and militia troops to actively and deliberately prevent anyone from any demonstrations or objections against the totalitarian regime. They are planning to silence people by any means available to them.
Parents who inquire at police headquarters about their arrested sons and daughters could be taken away or simply disappear. Students are tortured and, on many occasions, murdered for crimes they never committed. And yet, we see many western governments are engaging and heavily investing in the Islamic Republic where its survival depends upon shedding the blood of innocent Iranians.
The members of the Guardian Council determine the goals of the state and the means of achieving them in almost complete isolation from the people. They believe that the interests of the individual are to be sacrificed to those of the clergies and the Islamic agendas, which are in contrast with the needs and the goals of 90 percent of the Iranian population.
During the previous presidential "election," only a small percentage of the voters bothered to vote, since voting under the pre-screening system of the mullahs is more like selection than election. The result of staying away from the polls materialized in the person of the intransigent, Islamofascist Ahmadinejad and his abiding Islamic death-based beliefs.
The litany of Islamic death-based beliefs and actions is long indeed. It is, therefore, understandable that Iran’s Mullahs are obsessed agents of death. Islam, the Mullahs and their fanatic follower’s system of belief, denigrates life and glorifies death. To these people, death is not death. It is martyrdom, a sure passage to the unimaginably magnificent eternal paradise promised in the Quran.
Under the rule of these adherents of death, everything in Iran is deteriorating and dying. In spite of huge oil revenues, the per capita income of the Iranians is now about one fourth of what it was before the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Every form of misery has also skyrocketed. Drug addiction, prostitution and suicide have gone through the roof. The young and the educated continue deserting Iran and family, fleeing to the four corners of the world in search of a decent life.
The Islamic Republic has subjected all aspects of Persian society to strict control, not tolerating even the slightest expression of local initiative, let alone political unorthodoxy. The regime's leadership feels especially threatened by the intelligentsia, the writers, the poets, the journalists and the human rights activists whom they started to kidnap and murder in 1998. This action is known as "the chain murders.
"Eighteen people - three principals and 15 accomplices - were charged with assassinating five dissident writers and politicians in 1998. They are said to have been part of a 'terror machine' working for the establishment. The accused are described routinely in the Iranian media as 'rogue elements' of the Intelligence Ministry. They were led by Saeed Imami, a senior ministry official, reported to have committed suicide in detention in June 1999 by drinking hair remover while having a bath."
Despite being a signatory to international treaties that clearly prohibit the heinous practice of child execution in Iran, the Islamic regime has carried out and continues to carry out, many executions for crimes committed by people younger than 18 years of age, against international law. In 2006, the President of the Islamic Republic, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blocked efforts to stop juvenile executions in Iran, according to Human Rights Watch.
Thousands of lives have ended by evil, despicable acts of terror in the land that was the cradle of civilization, and now acts to cradle Islamic Terrorism. When the evil empire of communism in Russia was still alive, no one envisioned a more determined and more complicated evil empire would soon emerge. Islamic terrorism is responsible for the death of millions of innocent lives since its inception 1400 year ago.
The founder of Islam said, "invitation first, that is, call them first to embrace Islam. If they refuse, then war." That is how Islam advanced in Iran and completely burned and destroyed the most advanced library and the relics of one of the greatest and most civilized empires this world has ever known. They turned it to the darkest chapters of Persian history, and 1400 years later, we see a replication of history right in front of our own eyes, except, now, they are equipped with the weapons of mass destruction and willing to use them at any time and at any cost, in the name “Allah”.
I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people till they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah, and perform Salat and give Zakat , so if they perform all that, then they save their lives, and properties from me except for Islamic laws, and their reckoning (accounts) will be with (done by) Allah." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.1, Hadith No.24)
I heard the Prophet saying, “In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. They will give good talks, but they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out of its game, their faith will not exceed their throats. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection.” (Bukhari, 6:6:577)
The Islamic regime is merely following the footsteps of its holy prophet, hence they are murdering people for the sake of Allah "The sword," said the holy prophet "is the key of heaven and hell; a drop of blood shed in the cause of Allah, a night spent in arms, is of more avail than two months of fasting or prayer: whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven at the day of judgment. His wounds will be resplendent as vermilion, and odoriferous as musk, and the loss of limbs shall be supplied by the wings of angels and of cherubim.
At this momentous era, we would do well to recall the example of an Irish-American President—John F. Kennedy—looking at the Communists’ Wall of Shame in Berlin, proclaiming, “Ich bin ein Berliner”—“I am a Berliner.” By so claiming, he helped rally free people of the world that brought down the wall and created a momentum that eventually swept the totalitarian Communist wall-builders into the dustbin of history.
Now the world is facing wall-builders of a different kind, the Islamofascists who have been at their shameless work for centuries. As their walls, built with superstition, discrimination and blood, are crumbling, they are intent on building walls in new territories.
But once again, human decency is rising to the challenge. This time, in the voice and actions of billions of free people who proclaim: we are also children of Iran in the spirit of Cyrus the Great; we meet any challenge and pay any price to defeat Islamofascism; and, we will not rest until humanity is completely free of the despotic rule of Islamofascism.
Islamobil: Mosque on Wheels
By: Amil Imani
In one of my articles, Terrorists’ Bill of Rights, I described how America will be taken over by the Muslims. I warned that Muslims do it first by establishing Mosques in every town and city. These mosques range from the ostentatious, such as the one in Washington D.C., to the academically-cloaked university Islamic centers, to the innocuous storefront types and even prison chapels. One and all have the same aims: Hold the faithful in line, recruit as many new adherents by any and all means, and indoctrinate one and all in the imperative of Islamic conquest.
It is in these Islamic places that the impressionable young and the fanatical adults are drilled with the duty to carry out Jihad against the Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—anyplace not completely under the rule of Islam.)
Operating this vast network of Islamism requires significant financing. Saudi Arabia has spent over $80 billion for these operations since 1970. The other Persian Gulf States, with their treasuries flush with oil money, have done and continue to do their share of financing.
Not to be out-done by the virulent Wahhabism of the Saudis and their co-sectist Sunnis, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been bank-rolling its own array of clientele in the Middle East, much of Africa, and as far away as Southeast Asia and Latin America in a push for Shiism. The-non-Muslim world is literally caught in a pincer of the two rabid Islamic forces.
There are those who still delude themselves by preferring to believe that Islam has not made as many inroads into the United States as it has in other parts of the world, such as Europe. Facts prove otherwise.
According to a National Portrait, a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US. According to the latest report, this number has sky-rocketed to as many as 6,000 mosques in 2008.
Two years ago, the Islamobil debuted in Germany to teach the German people what a peaceful religion Islam really is. The concept of Islamobil appears to be the brainchild of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a way of taking the mosque to the people who lack a Takeyeh (mosque) in their own neighborhood.
In addition to all the stationary and mobile mosques, Islam is advanced by a large cadre of auxiliaries. Dr. Paul Williams (former FBI consultant, best-selling author and investigative journalist) reports that many Muslim businesses around the country conduct their regular businesses during the day and in the evening they turn their stores into Islamic gathering places. There are several thousands of these make-shift “Takeyehs”.
Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated the democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of theocracy and Sharia. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.
America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. We must keep in mind that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73
Irrespective of what the term Islam may mean, the facts on the ground conclusively demonstrate Islam's violent nature from its very inception. No need to go back to the time of Muhammad and examine the historical records. Just a few contemporary events should make the point. Here is a partial list: the savage Shiite-Sunni bloodletting in Iraq; the barbarism of the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan; the genocide in Sudan's Darfur region; the Somali killings; the Iranian mullahs' murder of their own people and support of mischief abroad; the cross-border attack on Israel by Lebanese Hizbollah; the incessant terrorist acts of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and the Fatwas of the Palestinians against Israel.
As a group, Islamists are paranoid and suffer chronically from the disease of victimization. That is, they either victimize the helpless whenever and wherever they can, or scream murder against the strong. This mentality is one of the many bequests that Muhammad left for his Ummah. And it is well-known that paranoia is a powerful impeller to acts of violence. The Quran commands the faithful to make war against the non-Muslims and the deeply paranoia-inflicted Muslims are just too happy to comply.
Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight in Mecca, packed his bags and fled to Medina where the Jews were not as vicious as his own Quraish tribe who ran the lucrative tourist business of the idolaters.
Once in Medina with a band of booty-hungry followers, Muhammad was metamorphosed to a cruel victimizer, with the Jews as handy and tempting easy prey.
The handwriting is on the wall. The wall is presently covered with bold letters on the other side of the Atlantic: Islam is taking over with much of the Sharia law in effect in many parts of Europe, including the source of our Common Law, Great Britain.
Before long, we can expect the arrival of the Islamobil in this land to join forces with the already-in-place Islamic digs called mosques to help replace our free and secular society with the barbaric Islamic rule and its Sharia.
With the average citizen, and not the devious and for-purchase-politicians, rests the solemn obligation to act, and act now, to compel our government to stem the tide of Islamism before it is too late.
I am not an alarmist. Please take time and read the reports of what is happening in Europe. Also, investigate how the petrodollar-intoxicated Islamists are buying people and services they need to further their aim. Freedom is priceless. We should accept no price for it nor should we allow anyone to tender freedom to the invaders on our behalf.
In one of my articles, Terrorists’ Bill of Rights, I described how America will be taken over by the Muslims. I warned that Muslims do it first by establishing Mosques in every town and city. These mosques range from the ostentatious, such as the one in Washington D.C., to the academically-cloaked university Islamic centers, to the innocuous storefront types and even prison chapels. One and all have the same aims: Hold the faithful in line, recruit as many new adherents by any and all means, and indoctrinate one and all in the imperative of Islamic conquest.
It is in these Islamic places that the impressionable young and the fanatical adults are drilled with the duty to carry out Jihad against the Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—anyplace not completely under the rule of Islam.)
Operating this vast network of Islamism requires significant financing. Saudi Arabia has spent over $80 billion for these operations since 1970. The other Persian Gulf States, with their treasuries flush with oil money, have done and continue to do their share of financing.
Not to be out-done by the virulent Wahhabism of the Saudis and their co-sectist Sunnis, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been bank-rolling its own array of clientele in the Middle East, much of Africa, and as far away as Southeast Asia and Latin America in a push for Shiism. The-non-Muslim world is literally caught in a pincer of the two rabid Islamic forces.
There are those who still delude themselves by preferring to believe that Islam has not made as many inroads into the United States as it has in other parts of the world, such as Europe. Facts prove otherwise.
According to a National Portrait, a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US. According to the latest report, this number has sky-rocketed to as many as 6,000 mosques in 2008.
Two years ago, the Islamobil debuted in Germany to teach the German people what a peaceful religion Islam really is. The concept of Islamobil appears to be the brainchild of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a way of taking the mosque to the people who lack a Takeyeh (mosque) in their own neighborhood.
In addition to all the stationary and mobile mosques, Islam is advanced by a large cadre of auxiliaries. Dr. Paul Williams (former FBI consultant, best-selling author and investigative journalist) reports that many Muslim businesses around the country conduct their regular businesses during the day and in the evening they turn their stores into Islamic gathering places. There are several thousands of these make-shift “Takeyehs”.
Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated the democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of theocracy and Sharia. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.
America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. We must keep in mind that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73
Irrespective of what the term Islam may mean, the facts on the ground conclusively demonstrate Islam's violent nature from its very inception. No need to go back to the time of Muhammad and examine the historical records. Just a few contemporary events should make the point. Here is a partial list: the savage Shiite-Sunni bloodletting in Iraq; the barbarism of the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan; the genocide in Sudan's Darfur region; the Somali killings; the Iranian mullahs' murder of their own people and support of mischief abroad; the cross-border attack on Israel by Lebanese Hizbollah; the incessant terrorist acts of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and the Fatwas of the Palestinians against Israel.
As a group, Islamists are paranoid and suffer chronically from the disease of victimization. That is, they either victimize the helpless whenever and wherever they can, or scream murder against the strong. This mentality is one of the many bequests that Muhammad left for his Ummah. And it is well-known that paranoia is a powerful impeller to acts of violence. The Quran commands the faithful to make war against the non-Muslims and the deeply paranoia-inflicted Muslims are just too happy to comply.
Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight in Mecca, packed his bags and fled to Medina where the Jews were not as vicious as his own Quraish tribe who ran the lucrative tourist business of the idolaters.
Once in Medina with a band of booty-hungry followers, Muhammad was metamorphosed to a cruel victimizer, with the Jews as handy and tempting easy prey.
The handwriting is on the wall. The wall is presently covered with bold letters on the other side of the Atlantic: Islam is taking over with much of the Sharia law in effect in many parts of Europe, including the source of our Common Law, Great Britain.
Before long, we can expect the arrival of the Islamobil in this land to join forces with the already-in-place Islamic digs called mosques to help replace our free and secular society with the barbaric Islamic rule and its Sharia.
With the average citizen, and not the devious and for-purchase-politicians, rests the solemn obligation to act, and act now, to compel our government to stem the tide of Islamism before it is too late.
I am not an alarmist. Please take time and read the reports of what is happening in Europe. Also, investigate how the petrodollar-intoxicated Islamists are buying people and services they need to further their aim. Freedom is priceless. We should accept no price for it nor should we allow anyone to tender freedom to the invaders on our behalf.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
بیان حقیقت را آیا حمله به اسلام توان نامید؟
امیل ایمانی
17 ژوئیه 2008
باران نفرت از واپسگرایان خداترس بر سرم باریدن گرفته و رگبار تهدید به سویم روانه شده؛ و تنها جرمم بیان واقعیت است
17 ژوئیه 2008
باران نفرت از واپسگرایان خداترس بر سرم باریدن گرفته و رگبار تهدید به سویم روانه شده؛ و تنها جرمم بیان واقعیت است
دربارهء اسلام و دیگر هیچ. اگر بیان حقیقت دربارهء اسلام، نقد و حمله به اسلام محسوب شود، پس این گناه بر من روا است.
امّا پرسشم این است که آیا اسلام چون یک دین است، مقبول واقع میشود؟ که میگوید اسلام دین است؟ میلیونها نفر چنین میگویند؟ سندشان چیست و مدرکشان کدام است؟ گفتار تودههای مغزشویی شدهای که ویروس اسلامی را، که از پدر و مادرشان به آنها رسیده، با خود به این سوی و آن سوی میبرند، نمیتوان سند محسوب داشت و این از هر گونه ارزشی تهی است. آنچه که به حساب میآید این واقعیت انکارناپذیر است که این آیین، که مدّعی است تنها دیانت الله است، سرچشمهء رنجهای فراوان و بیپایان غیرمسلمانان بوده و هست و خود تودههای غافلی از مسلمانان نیز از چنگالش رهایی نداشته و ندارند.
بگذارید فقط چند مورد از هزاران رویداد هولناکی را ذکر کنم که مسلمانان نسبت به پیروان سایر ادیان یا کسانی که ابداً به هیچ دینی معتقد نیستند، مرتکب میشوند. در کشورهای نمونهءاسلامی مانند عربستان سعودی و ایران، مثلاً، زنان را جرأت آن نیست که دربارهء جایگاه خویش که الله مقدّر کرده و در حدّ اثاث خانه محسوب است زبان به گلایه بگشایند. اگر اندک بیان اعتراض نمایند، شوهران به حربهء کتک روی آورند و جواب آنها را با ضربههایی که بر تن و بدنشان وارد میآید بدهند. اگر به خود شهامت دهند که در ملأ عام در کمال آرامش راهپیمایی نمایند تا حقوق مساوی خانوادگی با مردان بیابند، پاسبانان که حافظ نظم و آرامشند، به ضرب باتوم و چماق آنها را بیازارند و روانهء زندانشان سازند تا بیش از پیش تحقیرشان نمایند و خشونت را بر آنها روا دارند.
باید از خویشتن پرسید پس از چه روی میلیونها زن مسلمان، فروتن و افتاده، سر به زیر افکنده به این رتبهء دون خود تسلیم شده و خدای را نیایش کنند و سپاس گویند که این لطف را در حقّ آنها نموده است. این زنان را عملاً پدر و مادرشان و آخوندهایشان از همان لحظهای که قدم به این جهان نهادند نقشی بر روح و روانشان القاء کردند که نابرابری جنسی را پذیرا گردند و تمامی ویژگیهای بیپایه و بیمارگونهء اسلامی را بپذیرند.
در کتاب دینیشان آمده که، "مردان بر زنان فرمانروایی دارند، چه که الله برخی را بر دیگران برتری بخشیده و نیز از آن جهت که مردان دارایی خویش را صرف نگهداری آنها نمایند. زنان خوب حرفشنو و سربزیرند. بخشهای نادیدنی خویش را حفظ کنند، چه که خدا آنها را حفظ کرده است. اگر از نافرمانی آنها بیم دارید، پندشان دهید، در بسترشان تنها بگذارید و بزنید آنها را. پس اگر شما را فرمان بردند دیگر کاری علیه آنها نکنید؛ خدا بلندمرتبه و والامقام است."[i]
حتّی مصر، تاج جواهرآسای جهان عربی اسلامی نوعی نسلکشی را به آهنگی آهسته علیه شهروندان بهائی خود به اجرا گذشته و آنها را از تمامی حقوق شهروندیشان محروم کرده است. بهائیان هنوز از داشتن شناسنامه و برگهء شناسایی که هر شهروندی ناگزیر از داشتن آن است، محرومند؛ چه که آخوندهای مقتدر میخواهند این اقلّیت آرامشطلب را به کلّی محو و نابود نمایند. مصر، صفحهای از کتاب "نبرد من"[ii] جمهوری فاشیست اسلامی ایران را به عاریت گرفته کودکان بهائی را از تحصیل منع میکند.
سابقهء ستمگریهایی که حامیان "دین صلح و سلام" مرتکب میشوند، به روشنی تمام، آن را به عنوان بدترین نوع کیش به معنای مطلق و تمام عیار آن محکوم میکند. مسلمانان وحشی آیین نفرت و خشونت را به ضرب شمشیر و سرنیزه بر مردم من تحمیل کردند. آنها چنین کرده و میکنند تا کوچکترین اثری از فرهنگ و میراث شکوهمند ایرانی را به کلّی نابود سازند و از روی زمین محو کنند. اینک بر سرزمین بومی من با مشت آهنین فرمان میرانند، و هر آنچه را که در فرهنگ نمونهء انسانی و برابری خود چون گنج نگه داشتهایم خوار و کوچک میشمارند. زنان ما را از وسیلهء زندگی و معاش محروم میکنند و به این ترتیب به سوی روسپیگری میرانند، صدها هزار از بهترین و درخشانترین افراد ایرانی را به ترک میهن خود وادار میکنند، فعّالیت تبهکارانه و رذیلانه را که حاصل آن ترس و وحشت در دور و نزدیک است در پیش گرفتهاند و هر صدایی را که جز در ستایش آنها سرودی را برخوانَد در گلو خفه کنند.
مگر نه آن که مسیح در انجیلش میفرماید، "از میوههایشان آنها را خواهید شناخت"؟ پیش از این گفتهام و دیگربار نیز خواهم گفت زیرا تا زمانی که این گروه شریر و تبهکار به کردار زشت و زنندهء خود ادامه دهد، اسلام جز خشونت نیست. اسلام غیرمسلمانان را تحمّل نکند. اسلام بازمانده بربرهای گذشته است. با اسلام باید مقابله کرد و نشان داد که چیست و آن را از چیرگی و فرمانروایی بر جهان باز داشت. بیایید شما را بگویم که این مردمان الله اخیراً چه کردهاند؛ مُشتی از خروار برایتان باز گویم:
فردی در شیراز، در کناری ایستاده؛ اتومبیلی میگذرد. مرد از راننده اندکی بنزین میطلبد تا سوخت اتومبیلش را فراهم آورد و وانمود میکند که سوخت اتومبیلش تمام شده و او را سرگردان ساخته است. راننده که کاملاً با این فرد بیگانه است از اتومبیل خود بنزین بیرون میکشد و به او میدهد. ناگاه، افراد دیگر از نهانگاه بیرون میآیند؛ مرد راننده را به درختی میبندند، بنزینی را که کریمانه به فردی کاملاً ناآشنا بخشیده، بر او میریزند و کبریت بر او میکشند و بر اتومبیلی که وانمود میکردند بنزین ندارد سوار شده شتابان میگریزند. چرا؟ هدف از این آتشافروزی کیست؟ فردی غیرمسلمان؛ یک بهائی. گناهش چیست؟ مسلمان نیست و مسلمان نبودنش او را سزاوار سوختن ساخته تا زنده در آتش بسوزد و خاکستر شود. این تبهکاران و ولگردان الله، این آتشافروزان از انسانیت بیخبر، خود را سربازان گمنام امام زمان مینامند؛ امامی که شیعیان احترامش گذارند و به عنوان ناجی انتظارش کشند.
باید که دنبالهء داستان ناخوشایندتر گردد؛ "مسلمانان خوب" خدا، از هر گونه و هر طبقه از جامعه، از کنار مردی که به درخت بسته شده میگذرند، و هیچ کاری در کمک به او انجام نمیدهند. معجزهای رخ میدهد و مرد در خاموش کردن آتش کامیاب میگردد و با تلفن همراهی که در جیب داشته با پاسبانان تماس میگیرد. آمدن پاسبانان نیم ساعت طول میکشد؛ میآیند و مرد را به پاسگاهشان میبرند تا بازجویی کنند؛ پرسشها مطرح نمایند و جوابها بخواهند. این است اسلامی که در حرکت است به سوی جلو. اسلامی که در ژرفنای اروپا رخنه کرده و در پهنهء گستردهای پخش شده است. اروپا را دارد تغییر میدهد؛ آنچنان که میخواهد و وعدهها میدهد که با امریکا نیز چنین خواهد کرد.
آتش اسلام از پس میآید تا کشورها را در بر گیرد و بسیاری از اروپاییان از پیش در گریزند از میهن پدری خود و وطن مادری خویش. اینان ثروتی دارند و بینشی. دیگران بیخبرند و غافل از این تهدید؛ هدفشان چنان است که آن را چون جام مقدّس چندفرهنگی در میان خود جای دهند، یا آن که روزی به خود آیند و ببینند برای زندگی خویش در حال نبردی سهمگینند. چه که اسلام چندفرهنگی را باور ندارد. اسلام تکفرهنگی است: فرهنگ بربریت اسلام. اسلام چون قدرت گیرد، بیگمان خود را تحمیل کند و راه و روش خود را بر دیگران بقبولاند؛ هر که باشد و هر جا که باشد. کسانی خواهند بود که در پایان از خواب بیدار شوند و از گیجی به در آیند؛ اینان یا باید دست از پایداری بردارند و سر تسلیم فرود آرند یا با مسلمانان بجنگند و قدم به قدم در نبردهای خونین خیابانی آنها را به عقب برانند.
حقیقت همیشه دلپذیر نیست و غالباً ممکن است بسیار سبب پریشانی خاطر شود. امّا حقیقت بهترین سلاح است در مقابله با شر و بطلان. وقتی به تعالیم هولناک قرآن اشاره دارم، آنها را از خود نمیسازم و جعل نمیکنم. سورهها را از کتاب مقدّسشان نقل میکنم؛ سورههایی که مسلمانان را به انواع کارهای ناپسند علیه غیرمسلمانان تشویق و ترغیب میکند. این کتابِ الله جواز قتل است. وقتی خاطرنشان میسازم که محمّد مثالهای وحشتناکی را با اعمال و کردار خویش برای پیروانش قرار داده از منابع خودشان نقل میکنم تا گفتارم را مستند سازم.
آیا کسی در این جهان آشفته هست که دربارهء ستمگریهای روزانهء اسلامی که این وحشیان انجام میدهند و آن را بر مبنای کتاب مقدّس الله توجیه مینمایند، کلامی نخواند، نبیند یا نشنود؟
میگوید، "پس ترس را در دل کافران خواهم انداخت؛ پس بزنید گردنهایشان را و قطع کنید انگشتهایشان را؛ چه که مخالفت کردند با الله و رسولش".[iii]
و نیز میگوید، "الله اهل کتاب را فرود آورد از حصارهایشان و در دلهایشان ترس انداخت؛ گروهی را کشتید و گروهی را اسیرنمودید و خدا شما را وارث زمین آنها و خانهء آنها و اموال آنها و ثروت آنها نمود. الله شما را کشوری بخشید که قبلاً آن را نپیموده بودید."[iv]
چرا این جانیان مسلماننمایی که حقّ و حقیقت را از آن خود میدانند به خود زحمت نمیدهند به من ثابت کنند که ره به خطا میروم؟ چرا سندی نمیآورند که نشان دهد آنچه میگویم دروغ است؟ به جای آن، هر ناسزا و دشنامی را که نتوان به آسانی بر زبان آورد نثار من میکنند. برخی از مسلمانان متمدّنتر همچون هممسلکان زشتسخن و بدزبان خویش تن به خفّت نمیدهند و خود را خوار نمیسازند. این قبیل مسلمانان فریاد و فغان بر آورند که خودشان و دینشان را من و امثال من لکّهدار کردهایم و قربانی کردهایم. آنها انتقاد من از اسلام را حمله به اسلام محسوب دارند و مرا به تفرقهانگیزی و نژادپرستی متّهم کرده تصوّر نمایند از حمله به اسلام لذّت برم و خشنود گردم. افزون بر آن برچسبم زنند و گویند صهیونیستم و جیرهبگیر اسرائیلم و از لابی یهودیان مزد همی گیرم. چه کسی دیگری را مورد حمله و توهین قرار میدهد؟ لطفی در حقّم بکنید و بگویید کدامین اتّهامی را که وارد کردم دروغین است و جعلی است؛ باور بدارید که شادمان خواهم شد که ره توبه پویم و طریق انابه در پیش گیرم. امّا اگر نتوانید چنین کنید، جهان بشریت را مدیونید که دست از سرسپردگی مصیبت اسلام بردارید و خود را از آن رها سازید.
امیل ایمانی کیست؟ شهروندی امریکایی است که در ایران زاده شده؛ هواداری مردمسالاری کند؛ در ایالات متّحده سکونت اختیار کرده؛ سرمقاله نویسد، مقالات ترجمه کند، داستانسرایی نماید و مقاله نیز بنویسد. او در پشتیبانی از کسانی نویسد که در زادگاهش ایران به مبارزه مشغولند.
[i] در کتاب قرآن، سورهء نساء، آیهء 34 چنین آ مده است: "الرّجالُ قوّامون علی النّساء بما فضّلالله بعضَهُم علی بعضٍ و بما أنْفَقوا مِن أموالهِم فالصّالحات قانتات حافظاتٌ للغیب بما حفظ الله و اللاّتی تخافون نُشُوزَهُنّ فَعِظوهُنّ و اهجُرُوهُنّ فی المضاجع و اضْرِبوهُنّ فَاِنْ اطَعْنَکُمْ فلاتبغُوا علَیهُنّ سبیلاً اِنّ اللهَ کان عَلیّاً کبیرا".
[ii] نام کتابی است اثر آدولف هیتلر رهبر حزب نازی آلمان که قبل از رسیدن به قدرت در زندان نوشت و برنامههای آیندهء خود را در آن شرح داد. در متن انگلیسی حاضر نام آلمانی کتاب یعنی Mein Kampf آورده شده است.
[iii] در کتاب قرآن، سورهء انفال، آیهء 12 میگوید، "سَاُلقی فی قلوب الّذین کفروا الرُّعب فاضربوا فوق الأعناق و اضربوا مِنهم کلّ بنان؛ ذلک بأنّهم شآقوا الله و رسوله".
[iv] در کتاب قرآن، سورهء احزاب، آیهء 26 آمده است، "و أنزل الّذین ظاهروهم مِن اهل الکتاب مِن صَیاصیهم و قّذّف فی قلوبهم الرّعب فریقاً تقتلون و تأسِرون فریقا و أوْرَثکُم درضهُم و دیارهم و اموالهم و ارضاً لمتطَوُّها..."
امّا پرسشم این است که آیا اسلام چون یک دین است، مقبول واقع میشود؟ که میگوید اسلام دین است؟ میلیونها نفر چنین میگویند؟ سندشان چیست و مدرکشان کدام است؟ گفتار تودههای مغزشویی شدهای که ویروس اسلامی را، که از پدر و مادرشان به آنها رسیده، با خود به این سوی و آن سوی میبرند، نمیتوان سند محسوب داشت و این از هر گونه ارزشی تهی است. آنچه که به حساب میآید این واقعیت انکارناپذیر است که این آیین، که مدّعی است تنها دیانت الله است، سرچشمهء رنجهای فراوان و بیپایان غیرمسلمانان بوده و هست و خود تودههای غافلی از مسلمانان نیز از چنگالش رهایی نداشته و ندارند.
بگذارید فقط چند مورد از هزاران رویداد هولناکی را ذکر کنم که مسلمانان نسبت به پیروان سایر ادیان یا کسانی که ابداً به هیچ دینی معتقد نیستند، مرتکب میشوند. در کشورهای نمونهءاسلامی مانند عربستان سعودی و ایران، مثلاً، زنان را جرأت آن نیست که دربارهء جایگاه خویش که الله مقدّر کرده و در حدّ اثاث خانه محسوب است زبان به گلایه بگشایند. اگر اندک بیان اعتراض نمایند، شوهران به حربهء کتک روی آورند و جواب آنها را با ضربههایی که بر تن و بدنشان وارد میآید بدهند. اگر به خود شهامت دهند که در ملأ عام در کمال آرامش راهپیمایی نمایند تا حقوق مساوی خانوادگی با مردان بیابند، پاسبانان که حافظ نظم و آرامشند، به ضرب باتوم و چماق آنها را بیازارند و روانهء زندانشان سازند تا بیش از پیش تحقیرشان نمایند و خشونت را بر آنها روا دارند.
باید از خویشتن پرسید پس از چه روی میلیونها زن مسلمان، فروتن و افتاده، سر به زیر افکنده به این رتبهء دون خود تسلیم شده و خدای را نیایش کنند و سپاس گویند که این لطف را در حقّ آنها نموده است. این زنان را عملاً پدر و مادرشان و آخوندهایشان از همان لحظهای که قدم به این جهان نهادند نقشی بر روح و روانشان القاء کردند که نابرابری جنسی را پذیرا گردند و تمامی ویژگیهای بیپایه و بیمارگونهء اسلامی را بپذیرند.
در کتاب دینیشان آمده که، "مردان بر زنان فرمانروایی دارند، چه که الله برخی را بر دیگران برتری بخشیده و نیز از آن جهت که مردان دارایی خویش را صرف نگهداری آنها نمایند. زنان خوب حرفشنو و سربزیرند. بخشهای نادیدنی خویش را حفظ کنند، چه که خدا آنها را حفظ کرده است. اگر از نافرمانی آنها بیم دارید، پندشان دهید، در بسترشان تنها بگذارید و بزنید آنها را. پس اگر شما را فرمان بردند دیگر کاری علیه آنها نکنید؛ خدا بلندمرتبه و والامقام است."[i]
حتّی مصر، تاج جواهرآسای جهان عربی اسلامی نوعی نسلکشی را به آهنگی آهسته علیه شهروندان بهائی خود به اجرا گذشته و آنها را از تمامی حقوق شهروندیشان محروم کرده است. بهائیان هنوز از داشتن شناسنامه و برگهء شناسایی که هر شهروندی ناگزیر از داشتن آن است، محرومند؛ چه که آخوندهای مقتدر میخواهند این اقلّیت آرامشطلب را به کلّی محو و نابود نمایند. مصر، صفحهای از کتاب "نبرد من"[ii] جمهوری فاشیست اسلامی ایران را به عاریت گرفته کودکان بهائی را از تحصیل منع میکند.
سابقهء ستمگریهایی که حامیان "دین صلح و سلام" مرتکب میشوند، به روشنی تمام، آن را به عنوان بدترین نوع کیش به معنای مطلق و تمام عیار آن محکوم میکند. مسلمانان وحشی آیین نفرت و خشونت را به ضرب شمشیر و سرنیزه بر مردم من تحمیل کردند. آنها چنین کرده و میکنند تا کوچکترین اثری از فرهنگ و میراث شکوهمند ایرانی را به کلّی نابود سازند و از روی زمین محو کنند. اینک بر سرزمین بومی من با مشت آهنین فرمان میرانند، و هر آنچه را که در فرهنگ نمونهء انسانی و برابری خود چون گنج نگه داشتهایم خوار و کوچک میشمارند. زنان ما را از وسیلهء زندگی و معاش محروم میکنند و به این ترتیب به سوی روسپیگری میرانند، صدها هزار از بهترین و درخشانترین افراد ایرانی را به ترک میهن خود وادار میکنند، فعّالیت تبهکارانه و رذیلانه را که حاصل آن ترس و وحشت در دور و نزدیک است در پیش گرفتهاند و هر صدایی را که جز در ستایش آنها سرودی را برخوانَد در گلو خفه کنند.
مگر نه آن که مسیح در انجیلش میفرماید، "از میوههایشان آنها را خواهید شناخت"؟ پیش از این گفتهام و دیگربار نیز خواهم گفت زیرا تا زمانی که این گروه شریر و تبهکار به کردار زشت و زنندهء خود ادامه دهد، اسلام جز خشونت نیست. اسلام غیرمسلمانان را تحمّل نکند. اسلام بازمانده بربرهای گذشته است. با اسلام باید مقابله کرد و نشان داد که چیست و آن را از چیرگی و فرمانروایی بر جهان باز داشت. بیایید شما را بگویم که این مردمان الله اخیراً چه کردهاند؛ مُشتی از خروار برایتان باز گویم:
فردی در شیراز، در کناری ایستاده؛ اتومبیلی میگذرد. مرد از راننده اندکی بنزین میطلبد تا سوخت اتومبیلش را فراهم آورد و وانمود میکند که سوخت اتومبیلش تمام شده و او را سرگردان ساخته است. راننده که کاملاً با این فرد بیگانه است از اتومبیل خود بنزین بیرون میکشد و به او میدهد. ناگاه، افراد دیگر از نهانگاه بیرون میآیند؛ مرد راننده را به درختی میبندند، بنزینی را که کریمانه به فردی کاملاً ناآشنا بخشیده، بر او میریزند و کبریت بر او میکشند و بر اتومبیلی که وانمود میکردند بنزین ندارد سوار شده شتابان میگریزند. چرا؟ هدف از این آتشافروزی کیست؟ فردی غیرمسلمان؛ یک بهائی. گناهش چیست؟ مسلمان نیست و مسلمان نبودنش او را سزاوار سوختن ساخته تا زنده در آتش بسوزد و خاکستر شود. این تبهکاران و ولگردان الله، این آتشافروزان از انسانیت بیخبر، خود را سربازان گمنام امام زمان مینامند؛ امامی که شیعیان احترامش گذارند و به عنوان ناجی انتظارش کشند.
باید که دنبالهء داستان ناخوشایندتر گردد؛ "مسلمانان خوب" خدا، از هر گونه و هر طبقه از جامعه، از کنار مردی که به درخت بسته شده میگذرند، و هیچ کاری در کمک به او انجام نمیدهند. معجزهای رخ میدهد و مرد در خاموش کردن آتش کامیاب میگردد و با تلفن همراهی که در جیب داشته با پاسبانان تماس میگیرد. آمدن پاسبانان نیم ساعت طول میکشد؛ میآیند و مرد را به پاسگاهشان میبرند تا بازجویی کنند؛ پرسشها مطرح نمایند و جوابها بخواهند. این است اسلامی که در حرکت است به سوی جلو. اسلامی که در ژرفنای اروپا رخنه کرده و در پهنهء گستردهای پخش شده است. اروپا را دارد تغییر میدهد؛ آنچنان که میخواهد و وعدهها میدهد که با امریکا نیز چنین خواهد کرد.
آتش اسلام از پس میآید تا کشورها را در بر گیرد و بسیاری از اروپاییان از پیش در گریزند از میهن پدری خود و وطن مادری خویش. اینان ثروتی دارند و بینشی. دیگران بیخبرند و غافل از این تهدید؛ هدفشان چنان است که آن را چون جام مقدّس چندفرهنگی در میان خود جای دهند، یا آن که روزی به خود آیند و ببینند برای زندگی خویش در حال نبردی سهمگینند. چه که اسلام چندفرهنگی را باور ندارد. اسلام تکفرهنگی است: فرهنگ بربریت اسلام. اسلام چون قدرت گیرد، بیگمان خود را تحمیل کند و راه و روش خود را بر دیگران بقبولاند؛ هر که باشد و هر جا که باشد. کسانی خواهند بود که در پایان از خواب بیدار شوند و از گیجی به در آیند؛ اینان یا باید دست از پایداری بردارند و سر تسلیم فرود آرند یا با مسلمانان بجنگند و قدم به قدم در نبردهای خونین خیابانی آنها را به عقب برانند.
حقیقت همیشه دلپذیر نیست و غالباً ممکن است بسیار سبب پریشانی خاطر شود. امّا حقیقت بهترین سلاح است در مقابله با شر و بطلان. وقتی به تعالیم هولناک قرآن اشاره دارم، آنها را از خود نمیسازم و جعل نمیکنم. سورهها را از کتاب مقدّسشان نقل میکنم؛ سورههایی که مسلمانان را به انواع کارهای ناپسند علیه غیرمسلمانان تشویق و ترغیب میکند. این کتابِ الله جواز قتل است. وقتی خاطرنشان میسازم که محمّد مثالهای وحشتناکی را با اعمال و کردار خویش برای پیروانش قرار داده از منابع خودشان نقل میکنم تا گفتارم را مستند سازم.
آیا کسی در این جهان آشفته هست که دربارهء ستمگریهای روزانهء اسلامی که این وحشیان انجام میدهند و آن را بر مبنای کتاب مقدّس الله توجیه مینمایند، کلامی نخواند، نبیند یا نشنود؟
میگوید، "پس ترس را در دل کافران خواهم انداخت؛ پس بزنید گردنهایشان را و قطع کنید انگشتهایشان را؛ چه که مخالفت کردند با الله و رسولش".[iii]
و نیز میگوید، "الله اهل کتاب را فرود آورد از حصارهایشان و در دلهایشان ترس انداخت؛ گروهی را کشتید و گروهی را اسیرنمودید و خدا شما را وارث زمین آنها و خانهء آنها و اموال آنها و ثروت آنها نمود. الله شما را کشوری بخشید که قبلاً آن را نپیموده بودید."[iv]
چرا این جانیان مسلماننمایی که حقّ و حقیقت را از آن خود میدانند به خود زحمت نمیدهند به من ثابت کنند که ره به خطا میروم؟ چرا سندی نمیآورند که نشان دهد آنچه میگویم دروغ است؟ به جای آن، هر ناسزا و دشنامی را که نتوان به آسانی بر زبان آورد نثار من میکنند. برخی از مسلمانان متمدّنتر همچون هممسلکان زشتسخن و بدزبان خویش تن به خفّت نمیدهند و خود را خوار نمیسازند. این قبیل مسلمانان فریاد و فغان بر آورند که خودشان و دینشان را من و امثال من لکّهدار کردهایم و قربانی کردهایم. آنها انتقاد من از اسلام را حمله به اسلام محسوب دارند و مرا به تفرقهانگیزی و نژادپرستی متّهم کرده تصوّر نمایند از حمله به اسلام لذّت برم و خشنود گردم. افزون بر آن برچسبم زنند و گویند صهیونیستم و جیرهبگیر اسرائیلم و از لابی یهودیان مزد همی گیرم. چه کسی دیگری را مورد حمله و توهین قرار میدهد؟ لطفی در حقّم بکنید و بگویید کدامین اتّهامی را که وارد کردم دروغین است و جعلی است؛ باور بدارید که شادمان خواهم شد که ره توبه پویم و طریق انابه در پیش گیرم. امّا اگر نتوانید چنین کنید، جهان بشریت را مدیونید که دست از سرسپردگی مصیبت اسلام بردارید و خود را از آن رها سازید.
امیل ایمانی کیست؟ شهروندی امریکایی است که در ایران زاده شده؛ هواداری مردمسالاری کند؛ در ایالات متّحده سکونت اختیار کرده؛ سرمقاله نویسد، مقالات ترجمه کند، داستانسرایی نماید و مقاله نیز بنویسد. او در پشتیبانی از کسانی نویسد که در زادگاهش ایران به مبارزه مشغولند.
[i] در کتاب قرآن، سورهء نساء، آیهء 34 چنین آ مده است: "الرّجالُ قوّامون علی النّساء بما فضّلالله بعضَهُم علی بعضٍ و بما أنْفَقوا مِن أموالهِم فالصّالحات قانتات حافظاتٌ للغیب بما حفظ الله و اللاّتی تخافون نُشُوزَهُنّ فَعِظوهُنّ و اهجُرُوهُنّ فی المضاجع و اضْرِبوهُنّ فَاِنْ اطَعْنَکُمْ فلاتبغُوا علَیهُنّ سبیلاً اِنّ اللهَ کان عَلیّاً کبیرا".
[ii] نام کتابی است اثر آدولف هیتلر رهبر حزب نازی آلمان که قبل از رسیدن به قدرت در زندان نوشت و برنامههای آیندهء خود را در آن شرح داد. در متن انگلیسی حاضر نام آلمانی کتاب یعنی Mein Kampf آورده شده است.
[iii] در کتاب قرآن، سورهء انفال، آیهء 12 میگوید، "سَاُلقی فی قلوب الّذین کفروا الرُّعب فاضربوا فوق الأعناق و اضربوا مِنهم کلّ بنان؛ ذلک بأنّهم شآقوا الله و رسوله".
[iv] در کتاب قرآن، سورهء احزاب، آیهء 26 آمده است، "و أنزل الّذین ظاهروهم مِن اهل الکتاب مِن صَیاصیهم و قّذّف فی قلوبهم الرّعب فریقاً تقتلون و تأسِرون فریقا و أوْرَثکُم درضهُم و دیارهم و اموالهم و ارضاً لمتطَوُّها..."
Sunday, July 13, 2008
They Hanged Her for Teaching Love
She is called the Angel of Iran, because she lived her short life angelically. The demonic Islamist Mullahs, true to their nature, couldn’t bear an angel in their midst. On June 18, 1983, they hanged the young woman, barely past childhood, for refusing to renounce her belief: the belief in love, justice, and equality for all children of God.
Her name was Mona, a 17-year old Baha’i Character School (Sunday school) teacher. Her pupils loved the indescribably gentle loving teacher who taught them to grow up as exemplary humans with hearts brimming with the love of God, all his people and his creation.
One day the Mullahs’ agents came to her house while the young school-girl was studying for her next day English exam. The savage Islamists had another much tougher exam in mind for her to be administered in the horrific prison of the Mullahs. They were certain that they could break the frail young woman under pressure and torture; that they could make her recant her faith and adopt their bigoted creed.
Our great Zoroaster, the luminous ancient prophet of Persia, spoke of the ongoing battle between the forces of good under Ahuramazda—God, and the forces of evil directed by Ahriman—the Satan. Zoroaster warned us not to fall for the enticements or be deceived by the machinations of Ahriman. He further informed us that evil can be recognized by the deeds of its people; people who would oppose the precepts of Ahuramazda.
And the child-woman Mona was seen by the Islamist clergy as a threat to their very demonic precepts and practices. They felt compelled to either convert her to their creed of darkness or extinguish her young life.
Mona, the young teacher, deeply loved children and believed that they had to be brought up as champion workers for Ahuramazda.
Baha’is claim that the founder of their religion, Baha’u’llah , is the reappearance of the spirit of Zoroaster; that Zoroaster’s triad teachings of Good Thoughts, Good Speech, and Good Behavior are elaborated in greater details by Baha’u’llah.
Mona’s lessons for the children, a detailed exposition of Zoroaster’s teachings, are summarized in the passage below by Baha’u’llah.
"Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer to the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression. Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, and a tower of strength for the fugitive. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be an ornament to the countenance of truth, a crown to the brow of fidelity, a pillar of the temple of righteousness, a breath of life to the body of mankind, an ensign of the hosts of justice, a luminary above the horizon of virtue, a dew to the soil of the human heart, an ark on the ocean of knowledge, a sun in the heaven of bounty, a gem on the diadem of wisdom, a shining light in the firmament of thy generation, a fruit upon the tree of humility.”
Ten Baha'i women of Shiraz, Iran were among the many Baha’is who were arrested by the Islamists for their faith. The young Mona was one of them. These women endured months of endless abuse in the prison of the Mullahs, yet every one of them refused under threat of death to recant their faith of love.
The heartless Mullahs finally decided to make good on their threat and hanged these magnificent human beings, one-by-one. The Angel of Iran was the last to be hanged for she wished to pray for each woman as she was hanged. When Mona’s turn came, she kissed the noose and placed it around her own neck with prayers on her lips.
The savage Islamists hanged the magnificent child-woman Mona after a long period of tortuous imprisonment. By killing her, the agents of Ahriman aimed to kill love. But assuredly they can never kill love. They only kill the lover.
Oh, you earthly angels!
You immigrating birds,
Whose only adornment
Is a bed of white feathers!
The innocent children of Iran,
Are wearing your white glowing robe,
And have left the memories of life,
To others!
I see the poor black swallows,
Flying over the ruins of our city!
I see overflowing pain,
With the hearts of every Persian!
My heart stops palpitating!
My breath starts to dry up!
My faith simply fades away,
And my bed falls silent.
Her name was Mona, a 17-year old Baha’i Character School (Sunday school) teacher. Her pupils loved the indescribably gentle loving teacher who taught them to grow up as exemplary humans with hearts brimming with the love of God, all his people and his creation.
One day the Mullahs’ agents came to her house while the young school-girl was studying for her next day English exam. The savage Islamists had another much tougher exam in mind for her to be administered in the horrific prison of the Mullahs. They were certain that they could break the frail young woman under pressure and torture; that they could make her recant her faith and adopt their bigoted creed.
Our great Zoroaster, the luminous ancient prophet of Persia, spoke of the ongoing battle between the forces of good under Ahuramazda—God, and the forces of evil directed by Ahriman—the Satan. Zoroaster warned us not to fall for the enticements or be deceived by the machinations of Ahriman. He further informed us that evil can be recognized by the deeds of its people; people who would oppose the precepts of Ahuramazda.
And the child-woman Mona was seen by the Islamist clergy as a threat to their very demonic precepts and practices. They felt compelled to either convert her to their creed of darkness or extinguish her young life.
Mona, the young teacher, deeply loved children and believed that they had to be brought up as champion workers for Ahuramazda.
Baha’is claim that the founder of their religion, Baha’u’llah , is the reappearance of the spirit of Zoroaster; that Zoroaster’s triad teachings of Good Thoughts, Good Speech, and Good Behavior are elaborated in greater details by Baha’u’llah.
Mona’s lessons for the children, a detailed exposition of Zoroaster’s teachings, are summarized in the passage below by Baha’u’llah.
"Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer to the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression. Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, and a tower of strength for the fugitive. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be an ornament to the countenance of truth, a crown to the brow of fidelity, a pillar of the temple of righteousness, a breath of life to the body of mankind, an ensign of the hosts of justice, a luminary above the horizon of virtue, a dew to the soil of the human heart, an ark on the ocean of knowledge, a sun in the heaven of bounty, a gem on the diadem of wisdom, a shining light in the firmament of thy generation, a fruit upon the tree of humility.”
Ten Baha'i women of Shiraz, Iran were among the many Baha’is who were arrested by the Islamists for their faith. The young Mona was one of them. These women endured months of endless abuse in the prison of the Mullahs, yet every one of them refused under threat of death to recant their faith of love.
The heartless Mullahs finally decided to make good on their threat and hanged these magnificent human beings, one-by-one. The Angel of Iran was the last to be hanged for she wished to pray for each woman as she was hanged. When Mona’s turn came, she kissed the noose and placed it around her own neck with prayers on her lips.
The savage Islamists hanged the magnificent child-woman Mona after a long period of tortuous imprisonment. By killing her, the agents of Ahriman aimed to kill love. But assuredly they can never kill love. They only kill the lover.
Oh, you earthly angels!
You immigrating birds,
Whose only adornment
Is a bed of white feathers!
The innocent children of Iran,
Are wearing your white glowing robe,
And have left the memories of life,
To others!
I see the poor black swallows,
Flying over the ruins of our city!
I see overflowing pain,
With the hearts of every Persian!
My heart stops palpitating!
My breath starts to dry up!
My faith simply fades away,
And my bed falls silent.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Mr. Obama: Don’t Betray My People
By: Amil Imani
It looks like Mr. Obama may well be the next resident of the White House. It also looks like my people are going to be betrayed once again by a badly misguided American president. Jimmy Carter helped give birth to the virulent Shiite Islamism by forbidding the Shah of Iran to crush the bloodthirsty Ayatollah Khomeini and his band of rabid Islamists. Now, Mr. Obama intends to confer legitimacy on the illegitimate child, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Jimmy Carter, the self-appointed touring ambassador of bad-mouthing America must be rejoicing in the prospect of Mr. Obama’s presidency. Mr. Obama holds the promise of not only carrying on the Carterian misguided policies, but taking them to their very ruinous end.
Jimmy Carter did his thing and my people died. In no time at all, the vicious Mullahs gutted the Iranian armed forces and executed many of its most capable officers. Saddam Hussein watched gleefully as the Iranian military disintegrated, and found the opportunity to carry out his Pan Arabism ambition by attacking Iran. Some eight years of barbaric butchery killed and maimed millions on both sides, gutted the vibrant Iranian economy, and visited misery of all sorts upon the Iranian people.
Iran’s Mullahs, with the aid of the beguiled illiterate and religiously fanatic masses, strengthened their stranglehold as they blamed others for their incompetence and larcenous nature for the people’s intractable problems. The ever-machinating Mullahs had to find a scapegoat, preferably many scapegoats, to blame. True to form they turned and bit the hand that helped bring them to power – the United States. For good measure, the Mullahs included Israel. Jews have always been good scapegoats for Islamists, going back to the time of Muhammad in Medina. The prophet of Allah, as soon as he gathered enough power, found it expedient to plunder the Jews’ properties, kill the men and take the women and children as slaves to exploit or sell.
The Mullahs who took over Iran needed more straw-men, preferably on the home-front itself. Well, Allah helped them with that problem with some 300-400 thousand peaceful Baha’is. Baha’is were perfect for the part, since they had their holy places in Israel and that automatically made them agents of the Little Satan.
Now, history is about to repeat itself. While the ever-contrite ambassador of apology, Carter, cavorts with the officially designated terrorist Hamas, bestowing legitimacy on the thuggish Islamists, Mr. Obama is promising to outdo his idol Jimmy by engaging in negotiations or discussions with the “loveable” president Ahmadinejad of the IRI: a sort of tete-a-tete of two heads of states to settle things amicably. Doesn’t that sound lovely and a sure vote-getter? But, I am troubled and I have serious concerns.
Mr. Obama, you keep blaring about “change,” but you hardly spell out the details. Recall, the devil is in the details, as they say. Change from what to what, Mr. Charisma?
Mr. Obama, how do you propose to engage the point-man of the end-of-the-worlder Shiite regime in negotiation or discussion, without sacrificing the valiant Iranian people who are struggling to free themselves from the yoke of fascist Islamists? You believe that you, still somewhat wet behind the ears, can do better than the four-year combined efforts of seasoned diplomats from France, Germany, and Great Britain?
Mr. Obama, do you have trouble reading the man’s lips? Ahmadinejad, the one you wish to engage in negotiation, shouts as clearly and as often as he can that he is not going to stop enriching uranium; that he is irrevocably committed to the destruction of Israel; that the U.S. must pack, abandon all its interests and friends in the Middle East and leave the Mullahs in control of the world’s major oil spigot.
Mr. Obama, how are you going to sweeten the deal for Ahmadinejad? What would you give him to stop killing our GIs in Iraq; to arm and finance Hizbollah in Lebanon, Hamas and its ilk next door to Israel, and even the Taliban in Afghanistan? Give him Iraq and its oil? How about at least parts of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait?
Mr. Obama, it takes two to tango, as the old saying goes. The uncompromising oil-intoxicated fanatics of Iran and their proxies don’t want to dance with you. They want the entire floor – the Middle East – and the rest of the world down the road.
Mr. Obama, if you get elected as president, don’t you even think of doing anything that would further whet the insatiable appetite of the Islamists. Your mentor and idol, Carter, helped the Islamists and an untold number of my people died and are still dying. And by “my people,” I include both innocent people of my native birthplace Iran, as well as many noble compatriots of my adopted homeland, America.
Mr. Obama, you are either naïve or find it politically expedient to propose your foreign policy approach. In either case, you’d best keep in mind that the Islamist enemy plays by a completely different set of rules. Negotiating with the Islamists is like flipping a coin: Heads they win, tails you lose.
Mr. Obama, in your meteoric rise to power, you found it expedient to throw your wonderful grandmother under the bus, so to speak, you readily discarded the Reverend King, the man you held as your revered spiritual mentor and emulated for 20 years. Now, who else are the people you intend to steamroll over to service your personal ambition?
Mr. Obama, I repeat, if elected president, don’t betray my people.
It looks like Mr. Obama may well be the next resident of the White House. It also looks like my people are going to be betrayed once again by a badly misguided American president. Jimmy Carter helped give birth to the virulent Shiite Islamism by forbidding the Shah of Iran to crush the bloodthirsty Ayatollah Khomeini and his band of rabid Islamists. Now, Mr. Obama intends to confer legitimacy on the illegitimate child, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Jimmy Carter, the self-appointed touring ambassador of bad-mouthing America must be rejoicing in the prospect of Mr. Obama’s presidency. Mr. Obama holds the promise of not only carrying on the Carterian misguided policies, but taking them to their very ruinous end.
Jimmy Carter did his thing and my people died. In no time at all, the vicious Mullahs gutted the Iranian armed forces and executed many of its most capable officers. Saddam Hussein watched gleefully as the Iranian military disintegrated, and found the opportunity to carry out his Pan Arabism ambition by attacking Iran. Some eight years of barbaric butchery killed and maimed millions on both sides, gutted the vibrant Iranian economy, and visited misery of all sorts upon the Iranian people.
Iran’s Mullahs, with the aid of the beguiled illiterate and religiously fanatic masses, strengthened their stranglehold as they blamed others for their incompetence and larcenous nature for the people’s intractable problems. The ever-machinating Mullahs had to find a scapegoat, preferably many scapegoats, to blame. True to form they turned and bit the hand that helped bring them to power – the United States. For good measure, the Mullahs included Israel. Jews have always been good scapegoats for Islamists, going back to the time of Muhammad in Medina. The prophet of Allah, as soon as he gathered enough power, found it expedient to plunder the Jews’ properties, kill the men and take the women and children as slaves to exploit or sell.
The Mullahs who took over Iran needed more straw-men, preferably on the home-front itself. Well, Allah helped them with that problem with some 300-400 thousand peaceful Baha’is. Baha’is were perfect for the part, since they had their holy places in Israel and that automatically made them agents of the Little Satan.
Now, history is about to repeat itself. While the ever-contrite ambassador of apology, Carter, cavorts with the officially designated terrorist Hamas, bestowing legitimacy on the thuggish Islamists, Mr. Obama is promising to outdo his idol Jimmy by engaging in negotiations or discussions with the “loveable” president Ahmadinejad of the IRI: a sort of tete-a-tete of two heads of states to settle things amicably. Doesn’t that sound lovely and a sure vote-getter? But, I am troubled and I have serious concerns.
Mr. Obama, you keep blaring about “change,” but you hardly spell out the details. Recall, the devil is in the details, as they say. Change from what to what, Mr. Charisma?
Mr. Obama, how do you propose to engage the point-man of the end-of-the-worlder Shiite regime in negotiation or discussion, without sacrificing the valiant Iranian people who are struggling to free themselves from the yoke of fascist Islamists? You believe that you, still somewhat wet behind the ears, can do better than the four-year combined efforts of seasoned diplomats from France, Germany, and Great Britain?
Mr. Obama, do you have trouble reading the man’s lips? Ahmadinejad, the one you wish to engage in negotiation, shouts as clearly and as often as he can that he is not going to stop enriching uranium; that he is irrevocably committed to the destruction of Israel; that the U.S. must pack, abandon all its interests and friends in the Middle East and leave the Mullahs in control of the world’s major oil spigot.
Mr. Obama, how are you going to sweeten the deal for Ahmadinejad? What would you give him to stop killing our GIs in Iraq; to arm and finance Hizbollah in Lebanon, Hamas and its ilk next door to Israel, and even the Taliban in Afghanistan? Give him Iraq and its oil? How about at least parts of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait?
Mr. Obama, it takes two to tango, as the old saying goes. The uncompromising oil-intoxicated fanatics of Iran and their proxies don’t want to dance with you. They want the entire floor – the Middle East – and the rest of the world down the road.
Mr. Obama, if you get elected as president, don’t you even think of doing anything that would further whet the insatiable appetite of the Islamists. Your mentor and idol, Carter, helped the Islamists and an untold number of my people died and are still dying. And by “my people,” I include both innocent people of my native birthplace Iran, as well as many noble compatriots of my adopted homeland, America.
Mr. Obama, you are either naïve or find it politically expedient to propose your foreign policy approach. In either case, you’d best keep in mind that the Islamist enemy plays by a completely different set of rules. Negotiating with the Islamists is like flipping a coin: Heads they win, tails you lose.
Mr. Obama, in your meteoric rise to power, you found it expedient to throw your wonderful grandmother under the bus, so to speak, you readily discarded the Reverend King, the man you held as your revered spiritual mentor and emulated for 20 years. Now, who else are the people you intend to steamroll over to service your personal ambition?
Mr. Obama, I repeat, if elected president, don’t betray my people.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Culturecide of the Islamic Republic of Iran
By: Amil Imani
The intolerant monolithic Islamists are on the march, lashing out with fury at non-Islamic people and cultures. This cult of violence and death spares neither the living nor the non-living heritage of humanity: wherever and whenever it can it commits culturecide—wiping out other people’s precious cultural treasures. Not long ago, the Islamists’ destruction of the Buddha statues in Afghanistan shocked the world and exposed the savage nature of this cult of violence depravity. Yet, much more destruction on a broad range is taking place in Iran under the direction of the Islamist theocrats.
The Islamist zealots ruling Iran for the past 30 years have undertaken a systematic campaign of endangering and destroying the cultural sites of pre-Islamic Iran, ignoring the numerous petitions and pleas of the Iranian people.
For one, blatantly rejecting the repeated appeals of individuals and organizations such as the International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad, the Islamic Republic proceeded with the construction of the Sivand Dam which went into operation on April 2007 by the order of the ruling Islamists’ point man, President Ahmadinejad.
What many experts have warned and feared has already come to pass. The inevitable elevation of humidity from the Sivand Dam has given rise to massive invasion of Cyrus the Great Mausoleum by lichen and fungi. Cracks have started to appear on the stonework of tomb of King Cyrus, humanity’s first author of the charter of human rights.
The building of the Sivand Dam by the Islamist government was launched under the pretext that it would be a boon for the farmers. Impartial experts, including expert geologists from the University of Shiraz, have countered with evidence to the exact opposite outcome. Farmers in the area had worked diligently for centuries and habilitated the originally salty soil. Water from the new dam is bound to make it the farmers’ bane by returning the soil to salinity once again, experts warned.
In order to discredit those who protested against constructing the ruinous dam, the Islamic Republic’s Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, who ironically heads the state culture and heritage organization, has claimed that groups "opposing the Islamic Republic" are behind the protests.
Mr. Rahim-Mashai who was appointed as the director of ICHTHO after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was “elected” as the regime's new President said in a press conference in March 2006 that he had never heard of the Sivand Dam or the Bolaghi Valley. The Pasargad Heritage Foundation has filed a complaint against Mr. Mashai for a hearing on his intentional systematic endeavor to destroy ancient cultural treasures of the Iranian people.
The destructive effects of the Dam is also impacted the air quality of the area. According to Amir-Teimur Khosravi the Mayor of Pasargadae, "the level of humidity near the mausoleum of Cyrus the Great is so high that none of the Pasargadae's residents have ever experienced it before. There is constant flow of damp and humidity smells in the Pasargadae plains that are coming from Bolaghi Gorge. In the Southwest section of the mausoleum, which is considered the entrance to the archaeological site, the subterranean waters have surfaced and caused cracks to appear on the stonework.”
Khosravi continued, “Pasargadae has always been renowned for its clean and pleasant weather, but now, as a result of high levels of humidity produced from [the artificial lake behind] the Sivand dam, the area suffers from a sultry condition.”
Referring to the gorge, "it is far from here," said one of the government’s functionaries at the dam site, which is slowly filling up. "There will be no damage." People in the provincial capital Shiraz—renowned as being the capital of poets and beautiful roses, as well as for its imperial Persian ruins—have a different opinion. They say the project may increase humidity in the arid area near the city of Shiraz, which they believe could damage the limestone mausoleum of Cyrus the Great.
From its inception, the Islamic Republic has waged a systematic campaign of wiping out any and all cultural heritage and even joyous pre-Islamic festivals of the Iranian people: replacing Iranian’s traditional happy celebratory events such as Nowruz , Yalda, and many more with endless death-centered Islamic mourning. The Islamists aim to obliterate the Persian antiquities as well as any vestiges of the pre-Islamic Iran. They have put in charge inept puppets as archeology experts so that it would justify their terrorist action against Persian antiquities.
The illegitimate government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a quisling foreign entity that has betrayed Iranian people, its tradition, its glorious pre-Islamic achievements, and is incessantly working against Iran’s national interest. Iran, under the stranglehold and machinations of these parasites, has been transformed, in less than three decades, to the lead perpetrator of all that is abhorrent to humanity.
Although the Islamic Republic’s record speaks dismally for itself, there are numerous reasons for its relentless campaign of cultural genocide. The Islamic regime's decision to slowly destroy Cyrus the Great tomb is in part motivated by the realization that the people revere King Cyrus for the just laws he instituted as well as his emancipation of the Jews some 2500 years ago. Hence, this benevolent king is despised by the Islamists for symbolizing what are truly Iranian and anathema to Islamic credo, as well as keeping the love of non-Islamic nationalism alive in the heart of the populace.
Under the guise of development, the Islamic Republic has launched a comprehensive program of obliterating any physical traces of Iran’s rich archeological sites. A partial list of these acts is listed below.
* Sahand Dam in East Azerbaijan which will submerge the 6000-year-old Kul Tepe site. Archaeologists agree that over ten ancient sites in the region, some from the fifth millennium B.C. will be buried under the water, according to an official of the East Azerbaijan Province Cultural Heritage and Tourism Department.
*Alborz Dam in Mazandaran province, which caused irreversible damage to the cultural heritage of the eastern part of Mazandaran province.
*Karun Dam in Khuzestan province is submerging the ancient sites of the Izeh region.
* Mulla Sadra Dam to Drown 7000 Years of History. “Mehr Ali Farsi is one of the most important archeological sites of Fars province. Archeological excavations in this historical site could reveal many unknown facts about the pre-historic period of Fars province. “Despite the fact that this historical site had been identified before the inundation of Mulla Sadra Dam, the authorities of the dam have neglected the necessity for carrying out excavations in this area and started the flooding of the dam in a very short time,” according to Azizollah Rezayi, head of archeology team in Mehr Ali Farsi historical site.
*Salman-e Farsi Dam was inundated in 2007, without the CHTHO’s permission. It flooded a 350-hectare Sassanid city, which had been inhabited since the pre-Achaemenid era.
*Destruction of one of the biggest historical sites in the Chahar-Mahal Bakhtiari province by the Islamic Republic Ministry of Road and Transportation. A local archaeologist who wished to remain anonymous for his safety said: "Israel should not be worried about the [Islamic] regime's threat of wiping it off from the map; it is we [Iranians] who should be worried, as the regime is determined to wipe us off of the map."
He added "everyday this anti-Iranian regime is coming up with a new plot to destroy our heritage. One day our heritage is being threatened by dam projects, the next it’s road constructions. They claim these are development projects, but if this is the case why is our heritage being destroyed in the darkness of night and in secret - and why don't they sit down with the cultural authorities to find a solution to carry out their so-called development projects, and at the same time safeguard our national heritage?"
*45,000 years old Paleolithic site of Kaftarkhun, located in Iran’s Isfahan province, has been completely annihilated to build a horse racing course while the eastern parts of this ancient site have seen irreversible damage due to quarry blasting.
*1000-hectare area of a historical site belonging to Parthian dynastic era (248 BCE-224CE) in Khuzestan province has also fallen victim to developmental constructions of the Islamic regime’s Hamidieh Azad University in Hamidieh city.
* Tomb of Firuzan (Abu-Lu'lu'ah) in Kashan destroyed, in part to placate the Sunni Arabs. This Persian hero killed the Islam’s third Caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattāb, avenging the death on thousands of Iranian by Omar’s Islamic aggressors.
The inanimate historical sites of the world are indeed living schools where invaluable lessons are held in their repositories. Preserving, exploring and studying these sites tell a great deal about humanity’s past, its triumphs and defeat. Destroying these sites, no matter where they are in the world is tantamount to the burning of libraries. Only truly barbarians such as the bigoted Islamists fail to appreciate these treasures that belong to the entire human family. It is the Islamists’ belief that any and all information, ideals and practices that fall outside of Islam are void and must be eliminated.
It is the imperative duty of all enlightened people to steadfastly counter the relentless monolithic Islamic culturcide taking place in Iran or wherever in the world the scourge of Islamism invades.
The intolerant monolithic Islamists are on the march, lashing out with fury at non-Islamic people and cultures. This cult of violence and death spares neither the living nor the non-living heritage of humanity: wherever and whenever it can it commits culturecide—wiping out other people’s precious cultural treasures. Not long ago, the Islamists’ destruction of the Buddha statues in Afghanistan shocked the world and exposed the savage nature of this cult of violence depravity. Yet, much more destruction on a broad range is taking place in Iran under the direction of the Islamist theocrats.
The Islamist zealots ruling Iran for the past 30 years have undertaken a systematic campaign of endangering and destroying the cultural sites of pre-Islamic Iran, ignoring the numerous petitions and pleas of the Iranian people.
For one, blatantly rejecting the repeated appeals of individuals and organizations such as the International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of Pasargad, the Islamic Republic proceeded with the construction of the Sivand Dam which went into operation on April 2007 by the order of the ruling Islamists’ point man, President Ahmadinejad.
What many experts have warned and feared has already come to pass. The inevitable elevation of humidity from the Sivand Dam has given rise to massive invasion of Cyrus the Great Mausoleum by lichen and fungi. Cracks have started to appear on the stonework of tomb of King Cyrus, humanity’s first author of the charter of human rights.
The building of the Sivand Dam by the Islamist government was launched under the pretext that it would be a boon for the farmers. Impartial experts, including expert geologists from the University of Shiraz, have countered with evidence to the exact opposite outcome. Farmers in the area had worked diligently for centuries and habilitated the originally salty soil. Water from the new dam is bound to make it the farmers’ bane by returning the soil to salinity once again, experts warned.
In order to discredit those who protested against constructing the ruinous dam, the Islamic Republic’s Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, who ironically heads the state culture and heritage organization, has claimed that groups "opposing the Islamic Republic" are behind the protests.
Mr. Rahim-Mashai who was appointed as the director of ICHTHO after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was “elected” as the regime's new President said in a press conference in March 2006 that he had never heard of the Sivand Dam or the Bolaghi Valley. The Pasargad Heritage Foundation has filed a complaint against Mr. Mashai for a hearing on his intentional systematic endeavor to destroy ancient cultural treasures of the Iranian people.
The destructive effects of the Dam is also impacted the air quality of the area. According to Amir-Teimur Khosravi the Mayor of Pasargadae, "the level of humidity near the mausoleum of Cyrus the Great is so high that none of the Pasargadae's residents have ever experienced it before. There is constant flow of damp and humidity smells in the Pasargadae plains that are coming from Bolaghi Gorge. In the Southwest section of the mausoleum, which is considered the entrance to the archaeological site, the subterranean waters have surfaced and caused cracks to appear on the stonework.”
Khosravi continued, “Pasargadae has always been renowned for its clean and pleasant weather, but now, as a result of high levels of humidity produced from [the artificial lake behind] the Sivand dam, the area suffers from a sultry condition.”
Referring to the gorge, "it is far from here," said one of the government’s functionaries at the dam site, which is slowly filling up. "There will be no damage." People in the provincial capital Shiraz—renowned as being the capital of poets and beautiful roses, as well as for its imperial Persian ruins—have a different opinion. They say the project may increase humidity in the arid area near the city of Shiraz, which they believe could damage the limestone mausoleum of Cyrus the Great.
From its inception, the Islamic Republic has waged a systematic campaign of wiping out any and all cultural heritage and even joyous pre-Islamic festivals of the Iranian people: replacing Iranian’s traditional happy celebratory events such as Nowruz , Yalda, and many more with endless death-centered Islamic mourning. The Islamists aim to obliterate the Persian antiquities as well as any vestiges of the pre-Islamic Iran. They have put in charge inept puppets as archeology experts so that it would justify their terrorist action against Persian antiquities.
The illegitimate government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a quisling foreign entity that has betrayed Iranian people, its tradition, its glorious pre-Islamic achievements, and is incessantly working against Iran’s national interest. Iran, under the stranglehold and machinations of these parasites, has been transformed, in less than three decades, to the lead perpetrator of all that is abhorrent to humanity.
Although the Islamic Republic’s record speaks dismally for itself, there are numerous reasons for its relentless campaign of cultural genocide. The Islamic regime's decision to slowly destroy Cyrus the Great tomb is in part motivated by the realization that the people revere King Cyrus for the just laws he instituted as well as his emancipation of the Jews some 2500 years ago. Hence, this benevolent king is despised by the Islamists for symbolizing what are truly Iranian and anathema to Islamic credo, as well as keeping the love of non-Islamic nationalism alive in the heart of the populace.
Under the guise of development, the Islamic Republic has launched a comprehensive program of obliterating any physical traces of Iran’s rich archeological sites. A partial list of these acts is listed below.
* Sahand Dam in East Azerbaijan which will submerge the 6000-year-old Kul Tepe site. Archaeologists agree that over ten ancient sites in the region, some from the fifth millennium B.C. will be buried under the water, according to an official of the East Azerbaijan Province Cultural Heritage and Tourism Department.
*Alborz Dam in Mazandaran province, which caused irreversible damage to the cultural heritage of the eastern part of Mazandaran province.
*Karun Dam in Khuzestan province is submerging the ancient sites of the Izeh region.
* Mulla Sadra Dam to Drown 7000 Years of History. “Mehr Ali Farsi is one of the most important archeological sites of Fars province. Archeological excavations in this historical site could reveal many unknown facts about the pre-historic period of Fars province. “Despite the fact that this historical site had been identified before the inundation of Mulla Sadra Dam, the authorities of the dam have neglected the necessity for carrying out excavations in this area and started the flooding of the dam in a very short time,” according to Azizollah Rezayi, head of archeology team in Mehr Ali Farsi historical site.
*Salman-e Farsi Dam was inundated in 2007, without the CHTHO’s permission. It flooded a 350-hectare Sassanid city, which had been inhabited since the pre-Achaemenid era.
*Destruction of one of the biggest historical sites in the Chahar-Mahal Bakhtiari province by the Islamic Republic Ministry of Road and Transportation. A local archaeologist who wished to remain anonymous for his safety said: "Israel should not be worried about the [Islamic] regime's threat of wiping it off from the map; it is we [Iranians] who should be worried, as the regime is determined to wipe us off of the map."
He added "everyday this anti-Iranian regime is coming up with a new plot to destroy our heritage. One day our heritage is being threatened by dam projects, the next it’s road constructions. They claim these are development projects, but if this is the case why is our heritage being destroyed in the darkness of night and in secret - and why don't they sit down with the cultural authorities to find a solution to carry out their so-called development projects, and at the same time safeguard our national heritage?"
*45,000 years old Paleolithic site of Kaftarkhun, located in Iran’s Isfahan province, has been completely annihilated to build a horse racing course while the eastern parts of this ancient site have seen irreversible damage due to quarry blasting.
*1000-hectare area of a historical site belonging to Parthian dynastic era (248 BCE-224CE) in Khuzestan province has also fallen victim to developmental constructions of the Islamic regime’s Hamidieh Azad University in Hamidieh city.
* Tomb of Firuzan (Abu-Lu'lu'ah) in Kashan destroyed, in part to placate the Sunni Arabs. This Persian hero killed the Islam’s third Caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattāb, avenging the death on thousands of Iranian by Omar’s Islamic aggressors.
The inanimate historical sites of the world are indeed living schools where invaluable lessons are held in their repositories. Preserving, exploring and studying these sites tell a great deal about humanity’s past, its triumphs and defeat. Destroying these sites, no matter where they are in the world is tantamount to the burning of libraries. Only truly barbarians such as the bigoted Islamists fail to appreciate these treasures that belong to the entire human family. It is the Islamists’ belief that any and all information, ideals and practices that fall outside of Islam are void and must be eliminated.
It is the imperative duty of all enlightened people to steadfastly counter the relentless monolithic Islamic culturcide taking place in Iran or wherever in the world the scourge of Islamism invades.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Fraud of the National Iranian American Council
By Hassan Daioleslam
Thursday, June 19, 2008
National Iranian American Council (NIAC) and its president Trita Parsi have arranged to receive congressional appropriated funds from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) through an expedited process. They have spent these funds on trivial activities aimed at enhancing false-flag Iranian NGOs, that were in fact managed and controlled by Iranian Deputy Ministers or high level officials - making a mockery of the term “Non-Governmental.” At the same time, NIAC and Trita Parsi have lobbied the congress to stop appropriating other funds meant for dissident democratic movements and NGOs in Iran through non-NIAC channels. While NIAC’s actions appear paradoxical, it is a cohesive, targeted and deceptive tactic that has three distinct but related goals:
Thursday, June 19, 2008
National Iranian American Council (NIAC) and its president Trita Parsi have arranged to receive congressional appropriated funds from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) through an expedited process. They have spent these funds on trivial activities aimed at enhancing false-flag Iranian NGOs, that were in fact managed and controlled by Iranian Deputy Ministers or high level officials - making a mockery of the term “Non-Governmental.” At the same time, NIAC and Trita Parsi have lobbied the congress to stop appropriating other funds meant for dissident democratic movements and NGOs in Iran through non-NIAC channels. While NIAC’s actions appear paradoxical, it is a cohesive, targeted and deceptive tactic that has three distinct but related goals:
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Farewell Mr. Buffalo
A tribute to Tim Russert
By: Amil Imani
Always remember, those kids shed their blood on the sidewalk there. They replaced the sidewalk, there's no sign left of it, but the memory lives on with you and it lives on with me.-John Siegenthaler
NBC news lost its franchise player and America lost one her franchise patriots and political "go to guys", Tim Russert, to a sudden heart failure on Friday, June 13, 2008, in NBC's Washington, D.C. studios while recording “voiceovers” for Meet the Press, and was pronounced dead later at Sibley Memorial Hospital.
Tim Russert was a man of conscience and integrity. His reporting was an immaculate guide to all of us who aspire to better the world around us by our commitment to truth. In addition to being an outstanding journalist, an outstanding leader and an outstanding interviewer, Tim Russert was also a very warm and decent man. His professionalism and manners combined with his enormous humanity and cheerful eyes, on the air and off the air were impeccable. It will be difficult for many to make it through the upcoming election without Tim Russert in it. Indeed, he made politics worth watching.
Tim was a man I knew only through television. Yet, it was like I've known him my entire life. He was what a man ought to be...a great son, great father, great husband, great friend and a great professional. As unpredictable as death is, this one came as a shocker to us all and it was so sudden and perhaps at the worst time, imposing a sense of uncertainty when certainty is what we crave.
I remember when Tim Russert published a memoir about his father, Big Russ and Me, a very touching book. It appears in his private and public life, Tim always turned to his father for advice. He said this about his book, “In the spring of 2004, I published a book about my father--about the lessons I have learned from him, the way he has influenced me, and my enormous love and respect for this steady, hardworking, and modest man. Big Russ and Me came out in May, and my publisher sent me on a publicity tour in the hope that people around the country would see the book as an ideal Father's Day gift.” How ironic, he passed away on father’s day weekend.
With all its imperfections, America is still the last haven of hope and opportunity for many people. Tim believed in America and followed his dream. From being Mr. Buffalo, he became a leading figure in America’s media and politics. I have always said that the world owes a great deal to America for inspiration and practical accomplishment.
Tim was a clear thinker who didn’t mince words. He was a man who did take his homework seriously. His approach was like the courtroom prosecutor who would make politicians crumble under the relentlessness of his questioning. Indeed, his prosecutorial cross examination made politicians uneasy during the interview. Come prepared to Tim’s round table or you would feel defeated, a colleague said about him. Tim's overall manner was of grace and wit, charm and wisdom, but most of all of passion. He cared greatly about politics and did all he could to keep it honest and working for and not against America.
What this country needs is more Tim Russerts...strong journalists who have the courage to ask the right questions at the right time of the people whose decisions effect our lives. Tim Russert was the most authoritative and engaging moderator on Sunday mornings. By his sudden death, American political discourse has suffered a devastating loss.
While announcing his friend's death, Tom Brokaw made this remark, "He was a true child of Buffalo and the blue collar roots in which he was raised... Tim loved his family, his faith, his country, politics ... He loved the Buffalo Bills, the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals."
"He was, in every way, Mr. Buffalo," said Sen. Charles Schumer. "Even when he was interviewing presidents and heads of state, western New Yorkers knew that his blue-collar Buffalo sensibility guided him throughout."
Tim Russert was a teacher and mentor to those Americans interested in the machinations of our public union. For those of us who wake up each Sunday morning to watch Meet the Press, this and every Sunday will be a bit of a bleak reminder of the passing of this fine American. Sundays and election nights will never be the same.
By: Amil Imani
Always remember, those kids shed their blood on the sidewalk there. They replaced the sidewalk, there's no sign left of it, but the memory lives on with you and it lives on with me.-John Siegenthaler
NBC news lost its franchise player and America lost one her franchise patriots and political "go to guys", Tim Russert, to a sudden heart failure on Friday, June 13, 2008, in NBC's Washington, D.C. studios while recording “voiceovers” for Meet the Press, and was pronounced dead later at Sibley Memorial Hospital.
Tim Russert was a man of conscience and integrity. His reporting was an immaculate guide to all of us who aspire to better the world around us by our commitment to truth. In addition to being an outstanding journalist, an outstanding leader and an outstanding interviewer, Tim Russert was also a very warm and decent man. His professionalism and manners combined with his enormous humanity and cheerful eyes, on the air and off the air were impeccable. It will be difficult for many to make it through the upcoming election without Tim Russert in it. Indeed, he made politics worth watching.
Tim was a man I knew only through television. Yet, it was like I've known him my entire life. He was what a man ought to be...a great son, great father, great husband, great friend and a great professional. As unpredictable as death is, this one came as a shocker to us all and it was so sudden and perhaps at the worst time, imposing a sense of uncertainty when certainty is what we crave.
I remember when Tim Russert published a memoir about his father, Big Russ and Me, a very touching book. It appears in his private and public life, Tim always turned to his father for advice. He said this about his book, “In the spring of 2004, I published a book about my father--about the lessons I have learned from him, the way he has influenced me, and my enormous love and respect for this steady, hardworking, and modest man. Big Russ and Me came out in May, and my publisher sent me on a publicity tour in the hope that people around the country would see the book as an ideal Father's Day gift.” How ironic, he passed away on father’s day weekend.
With all its imperfections, America is still the last haven of hope and opportunity for many people. Tim believed in America and followed his dream. From being Mr. Buffalo, he became a leading figure in America’s media and politics. I have always said that the world owes a great deal to America for inspiration and practical accomplishment.
Tim was a clear thinker who didn’t mince words. He was a man who did take his homework seriously. His approach was like the courtroom prosecutor who would make politicians crumble under the relentlessness of his questioning. Indeed, his prosecutorial cross examination made politicians uneasy during the interview. Come prepared to Tim’s round table or you would feel defeated, a colleague said about him. Tim's overall manner was of grace and wit, charm and wisdom, but most of all of passion. He cared greatly about politics and did all he could to keep it honest and working for and not against America.
What this country needs is more Tim Russerts...strong journalists who have the courage to ask the right questions at the right time of the people whose decisions effect our lives. Tim Russert was the most authoritative and engaging moderator on Sunday mornings. By his sudden death, American political discourse has suffered a devastating loss.
While announcing his friend's death, Tom Brokaw made this remark, "He was a true child of Buffalo and the blue collar roots in which he was raised... Tim loved his family, his faith, his country, politics ... He loved the Buffalo Bills, the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals."
"He was, in every way, Mr. Buffalo," said Sen. Charles Schumer. "Even when he was interviewing presidents and heads of state, western New Yorkers knew that his blue-collar Buffalo sensibility guided him throughout."
Tim Russert was a teacher and mentor to those Americans interested in the machinations of our public union. For those of us who wake up each Sunday morning to watch Meet the Press, this and every Sunday will be a bit of a bleak reminder of the passing of this fine American. Sundays and election nights will never be the same.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Feinstein urges “robust diplomacy”
NIAC Conference: Feinstein urges “robust diplomacy” with Iran without preconditions
Shadee Malaklou
Apr 09, 2008
Washington, DC, April 9, 2008 – Panelists yesterday urged against US-backed sanctions on Iran, and instead encouraged direct talks—without preconditions—between the US and Iran as a way to curtail Iran’s nuclear program.
“I believe we should begin to pursue a robust, diplomatic initiative with Iran on all issues and without preconditions,” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said in her keynote address.
The National Iranian American Council’s half-day conference, held at 325 Russell Senate Office Building , featured two panels and a keynote address by Senator Feinstein. More than 200 people attended, including accredited media, congressional members and staff, and the academic community.
The California Senator pointed out that previous efforts to pursue negotiations have been inadequate. “These [past] offers have been presented with preconditions and without the full engagement of the United States ,” Feinstein said. “We need a fresh approach and fresh ideas.”
According to panelists, Iran ’s March 14 parliamentary (Majles) elections have not changed Iran ’s nuclear ambitions. Instead, the ascension of hardliners will likely make a nuclear compromise more difficult.
“Sanctions… have not caused people in Iran to change their ways, but increased their defiance,” Scott Peterson (Christian Science Monitor) said.
Peterson, who spoke on the event’s first panel, was joined by Barbara Slavin, a Fellow at the US Institute of Peace and Senior Diplomatic Reporter for USA Today; and Dr. Ahmad Sadri, Professor of Sociology and Chair of Islamic World Studies at Lake Forest College .
Sadri commented that since the Iranian government has made nuclear rights a common denominator among Iranians, Washington must shift its approach. His recommendation was echoed by Dr. Hans Blix, former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in the second panel.
“To ask Iran to suspend its enrichment program as a precondition to talks about its enrichment program seems curious,” Blix said. He expressed skepticism about the Bush Administration’s argument that Iran had forfeited its right to enrichment by failing to live up to the safeguard agreement, describing it as a “thin legal argument.”
Blix was joined by Ambassador Thomas Pickering, co-author of a March 20 proposal in the New York Review for a multinational enrichment facility inside Iran ; and Dr. David Albright, President of the Institute for Science and International Security.
The Pickering-Luers-Walsh proposal suggests preventing an enrichment-capable Iran from building a nuclear weapon by increasing transparency through inspections and verification. Though zero-enrichment is ideal, Pickering argued, the likelihood of achieving it has become increasingly remote and alternative solutions must be explored.
“We should not let the perfect become an enemy of the good,” Pickering said in reference to Washington ’s insistence on zero-enrichment.
Blix, who called Pickering ’s proposal a “welcome contribution,” offered an alternative: a fuel cycle-free zone in the Middle East . Under this model, no country in the Middle East would enrich uranium, including Israel . It would, however, not address existing stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the region.
The former head of the IAEA also raised questions about the utility of an enrichment suspension as a non-proliferation tool. Full suspension without adequate inspections and verification would be less safe than a fully inspected and verified enrichment program, Blix argued.
Albright expressed cautious support for the Pickering proposal, but remained pessimistic about its feasibility due to Tehran ’s unwillingness to compromise.
“One of the reactions I have to the various compromises that have been proposed over time… is that unfortunately Iran is never interested,” Albright said.
The conference comes at an important crossroads in US-Iran relations. Because the sanctions path has failed, it is imperative to develop alternative non-proliferation strategies.
But negotiations should not be limited to the nuclear file alone.
“Iran recently proved helpful in brokering a cease-fire between Prime minister al-Maliki and Muqtada al-Sadr’s JAM militias in Basra ,” Senator Feinstein said, pointing to Iran ’s influence in Iraq . “Clearly a more positive relationship with Iran might be helpful in stabilizing Iraq.”
“The next administration must…evolve a new approach—one based on robust diplomacy rather than threat of war,” the Senator concluded.
Shadee Malaklou
Apr 09, 2008
Washington, DC, April 9, 2008 – Panelists yesterday urged against US-backed sanctions on Iran, and instead encouraged direct talks—without preconditions—between the US and Iran as a way to curtail Iran’s nuclear program.
“I believe we should begin to pursue a robust, diplomatic initiative with Iran on all issues and without preconditions,” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said in her keynote address.
The National Iranian American Council’s half-day conference, held at 325 Russell Senate Office Building , featured two panels and a keynote address by Senator Feinstein. More than 200 people attended, including accredited media, congressional members and staff, and the academic community.
The California Senator pointed out that previous efforts to pursue negotiations have been inadequate. “These [past] offers have been presented with preconditions and without the full engagement of the United States ,” Feinstein said. “We need a fresh approach and fresh ideas.”
According to panelists, Iran ’s March 14 parliamentary (Majles) elections have not changed Iran ’s nuclear ambitions. Instead, the ascension of hardliners will likely make a nuclear compromise more difficult.
“Sanctions… have not caused people in Iran to change their ways, but increased their defiance,” Scott Peterson (Christian Science Monitor) said.
Peterson, who spoke on the event’s first panel, was joined by Barbara Slavin, a Fellow at the US Institute of Peace and Senior Diplomatic Reporter for USA Today; and Dr. Ahmad Sadri, Professor of Sociology and Chair of Islamic World Studies at Lake Forest College .
Sadri commented that since the Iranian government has made nuclear rights a common denominator among Iranians, Washington must shift its approach. His recommendation was echoed by Dr. Hans Blix, former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in the second panel.
“To ask Iran to suspend its enrichment program as a precondition to talks about its enrichment program seems curious,” Blix said. He expressed skepticism about the Bush Administration’s argument that Iran had forfeited its right to enrichment by failing to live up to the safeguard agreement, describing it as a “thin legal argument.”
Blix was joined by Ambassador Thomas Pickering, co-author of a March 20 proposal in the New York Review for a multinational enrichment facility inside Iran ; and Dr. David Albright, President of the Institute for Science and International Security.
The Pickering-Luers-Walsh proposal suggests preventing an enrichment-capable Iran from building a nuclear weapon by increasing transparency through inspections and verification. Though zero-enrichment is ideal, Pickering argued, the likelihood of achieving it has become increasingly remote and alternative solutions must be explored.
“We should not let the perfect become an enemy of the good,” Pickering said in reference to Washington ’s insistence on zero-enrichment.
Blix, who called Pickering ’s proposal a “welcome contribution,” offered an alternative: a fuel cycle-free zone in the Middle East . Under this model, no country in the Middle East would enrich uranium, including Israel . It would, however, not address existing stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the region.
The former head of the IAEA also raised questions about the utility of an enrichment suspension as a non-proliferation tool. Full suspension without adequate inspections and verification would be less safe than a fully inspected and verified enrichment program, Blix argued.
Albright expressed cautious support for the Pickering proposal, but remained pessimistic about its feasibility due to Tehran ’s unwillingness to compromise.
“One of the reactions I have to the various compromises that have been proposed over time… is that unfortunately Iran is never interested,” Albright said.
The conference comes at an important crossroads in US-Iran relations. Because the sanctions path has failed, it is imperative to develop alternative non-proliferation strategies.
But negotiations should not be limited to the nuclear file alone.
“Iran recently proved helpful in brokering a cease-fire between Prime minister al-Maliki and Muqtada al-Sadr’s JAM militias in Basra ,” Senator Feinstein said, pointing to Iran ’s influence in Iraq . “Clearly a more positive relationship with Iran might be helpful in stabilizing Iraq.”
“The next administration must…evolve a new approach—one based on robust diplomacy rather than threat of war,” the Senator concluded.
Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein:
Imperial Iranian Unsung Heroes Armed Forces ,, P.O.Box 16166 , Beverly Hills , CA 90209 , USA
Saturday April 12th, 2008
Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein
United State Senate
331 Hart Senate Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Ph: 202-224-3841
Fax: 202-228-3954
Via: E-mail
Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein:
RE: Exporting Marxist-Islamist Revolution
In 1979, the Islamic Republic was incepted in Iran under core philosophy of Marxist-Islamist utopia with hostile intention of exporting its revolution to the world and the US . The Marxist and Islamist core philosophies are sharing same value of exporting their cause around the world by means of using force, fear and fraud. Initially, it was unclear how Marxist and Islamist were contemplating to export their revolution to the world and the US . Today, there is a clear understanding how the cleric regime is exporting their revolution to the world and the US by forming unholy alliance with the US ¢s left wing minded individuals.
The cleric regime in Iran has been chanting death to America and death to Israel since 1979, and has been promising to their mind liked individuals total annihilation and domination of West by sword of Islam. Interesting, there is no longer need for a sword to spread Islam globally and the US , the cleric regime in Iran have nuclear capability which is just matter of pushing a bottom.
The cleric regime is in position to spread its agenda in the US by forming National Iranian American Council in the US soil which is acting as an invisible hand of the cleric regime. The National Iranian American Council has formed alliance with the democrat party and the left wing groups in the US so that they can endorse best interest of the cleric regime in the legislative body of the US while ignoring the real fact that the cleric regime in Iran has no legitimacy to govern its subjects. Simply approaching from economic aspect that in 2006, Export Development Canada reported 10% of population is possessing 75% of Iran ¢s wealth and 90% of population is possessing 25% of Iran ¢s wealth, and there is a pervasive social inequality in Iran due to the cleric regime¢s internal policy of maintaining status quote. Thus, the cleric regime does not have support of Iranian people and by applying more economic pressure like sanctions on the cleric regime would motivate Iranian people to rise against the cleric regime which is chanting death to America and promise of wiping Israel off the map, Iranian people would revolt against the state in Iran and will topple the Islamic Republic in Iran without US intervention in Iran.
The bottom line, Iranian people are not citizens of the cleric regime, Iranian people are subjects of the cleric regime, and subjects do not have any kind of rights. Despite above reality of life in Iran, the US senator, politicians, as well as, those who call themselves think tank that they are inclined toward left side of political spectrum have decided to work closely with the National Iranian American Council which is acting as the invisible hand of the cleric regime in the US so that the cleric regime would export its revolution in the US. Consequently, there is a matter of safety and security of everyone here at stake and no longer Senator Dianne Feinstein action can be tolerated and you need to resign from office so a competent person can do the task.
Thank you,
Kind regards
Imperial Iranian Unsung Heroes Armed Forces ,, P.O.Box 16166 , Beverly Hills , CA 90209 , USA
Saturday April 12th, 2008
Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein
United State Senate
331 Hart Senate Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Ph: 202-224-3841
Fax: 202-228-3954
Via: E-mail
Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein:
RE: Exporting Marxist-Islamist Revolution
In 1979, the Islamic Republic was incepted in Iran under core philosophy of Marxist-Islamist utopia with hostile intention of exporting its revolution to the world and the US . The Marxist and Islamist core philosophies are sharing same value of exporting their cause around the world by means of using force, fear and fraud. Initially, it was unclear how Marxist and Islamist were contemplating to export their revolution to the world and the US . Today, there is a clear understanding how the cleric regime is exporting their revolution to the world and the US by forming unholy alliance with the US ¢s left wing minded individuals.
The cleric regime in Iran has been chanting death to America and death to Israel since 1979, and has been promising to their mind liked individuals total annihilation and domination of West by sword of Islam. Interesting, there is no longer need for a sword to spread Islam globally and the US , the cleric regime in Iran have nuclear capability which is just matter of pushing a bottom.
The cleric regime is in position to spread its agenda in the US by forming National Iranian American Council in the US soil which is acting as an invisible hand of the cleric regime. The National Iranian American Council has formed alliance with the democrat party and the left wing groups in the US so that they can endorse best interest of the cleric regime in the legislative body of the US while ignoring the real fact that the cleric regime in Iran has no legitimacy to govern its subjects. Simply approaching from economic aspect that in 2006, Export Development Canada reported 10% of population is possessing 75% of Iran ¢s wealth and 90% of population is possessing 25% of Iran ¢s wealth, and there is a pervasive social inequality in Iran due to the cleric regime¢s internal policy of maintaining status quote. Thus, the cleric regime does not have support of Iranian people and by applying more economic pressure like sanctions on the cleric regime would motivate Iranian people to rise against the cleric regime which is chanting death to America and promise of wiping Israel off the map, Iranian people would revolt against the state in Iran and will topple the Islamic Republic in Iran without US intervention in Iran.
The bottom line, Iranian people are not citizens of the cleric regime, Iranian people are subjects of the cleric regime, and subjects do not have any kind of rights. Despite above reality of life in Iran, the US senator, politicians, as well as, those who call themselves think tank that they are inclined toward left side of political spectrum have decided to work closely with the National Iranian American Council which is acting as the invisible hand of the cleric regime in the US so that the cleric regime would export its revolution in the US. Consequently, there is a matter of safety and security of everyone here at stake and no longer Senator Dianne Feinstein action can be tolerated and you need to resign from office so a competent person can do the task.
Thank you,
Kind regards
Friday, April 11, 2008
Bush ties Iran, Al-Qaeda, among 'greatest threats'
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush on Thursday lumped Iran with the Al-Qaeda terrorist group as "two of the greatest threats to America in this new century" and said both hoped for a US defeat in Iraq.
Concern about Iran is mounting
By Warren P. Strobel, McClatchy Newspapers Thu Apr 10, 2:15 PM ET
WASHINGTON — The hours of congressional testimony, the speeches and the press conferences this week were all, nominally, about Iraq .
WASHINGTON — The hours of congressional testimony, the speeches and the press conferences this week were all, nominally, about Iraq .
Swiss-Iran gas deal under attack
Swiss-Iran gas deal under attack
Atul Aneja
DUBAI: Opposed by Israel and the U.S., the multi-billion dollar Iran-Switzerland gas deal signed last month has now come under attack from an influential U.S. based Jewish interest group.
Atul Aneja
DUBAI: Opposed by Israel and the U.S., the multi-billion dollar Iran-Switzerland gas deal signed last month has now come under attack from an influential U.S. based Jewish interest group.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Islam & the Iranian Dilemma
Islam & the Iranian Dilemma
By: Amil Imani
Since its inception fourteen hundred years ago, Islam has been at war with the people of this planet. Millions of people have been literally butchered with the sword of Islam.
Some may argue that all religions at one point in time have committed crimes against humanity. That may be so, but none of the existing world religions' foundation has been based upon shedding the blood of its innocent conquered. Islam lives, breathes and grows on blood. Once we take away this red element from Islam, Islam will vanish completely. Islam cannot possibly live in the hearts and minds of its believers. Islam needs to shed the blood of the infidels, meaning all non-Muslims. Islam is about world domination. Fear of pain and punishment for non-conformism is part of being a Muslim.
Muslims are radical even in their intrafaith dealings. Various sects and sub-sects pronounce other sects and sub-sects as heretics worthy of death; women are treated as chattel, deprived of many rights; hands are chopped for stealing even a loaf of bread; sexual “violations” and “indiscretions”, as defined and delimited by Islamic Sharia is punishable by stoning, and much much more. These are standard day-to-day ways of the mainstream “moderate” Muslims living under the stone-age laws of Sharia (Islamic jurisprudence).
The “moderate” mainstream of Islam has been outright genocidal from inception. Their own historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and the son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in the presence of the Prophet himself. The Prophet of Allah and his disciples took the murdered men’s’ women and children into slavery.
“Ali, who is the successor of God on the earth, and known to fight with a double edged sword, ordered the warriors to cut off the heads of the nonbelievers. Zobair assisted him in finishing this job. Ali also ordered the distribution of the captives and their property [i.e. the ‘booty’] among the Muslims, in accord with Sa’ad’s (b. Mu’adh) decision regarding the fate of the defeated Jews [i.e., the Qurayzah]. After the battle [and executions], Ali ordered everyone [of the Muslims] to return home. Sa’ad (b. Mu’adh) who had been very anxious during the battle, was now happy and praised God upon completion of his task. Then [later] they [i.e., the Muslims] celebrated and enjoyed beautiful women.”
Muslims are taught deception and lying in the Quran itself—something that Muhammad practiced during his life whenever he found it expedient. Successive Islamic rulers and leaders have done the same.
Khomeini, the founder of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, for instance, rallied the people under the banner of democracy. All along his support for democracy was not a commitment of an honest man, but a ruse. As soon as he gathered the reins of power, Khomeini went after the “Useful Idiots” of his time with vengeance. These best children of Iran, having been thoroughly deceived and used by the crafty phony populist-religionist, had to flee the country to avoid the fate of tens of thousands who were imprisoned or executed by the double-crossing “imam Khomeini.
Throughout centuries, Iranians continued to prevent Islam from making inroads into their cultural identity and divesting them of their heritage. Knowing their culture well, they influenced events and paved the way for posterity to turn the tide. From the beginning, three lines of resistance has become distinct: administrative manipulation, political resistance, and intellectual nonconformity.
Almost three decades after the tragic Islamic Revolution of 1979, the suffocating rule of Islam casts its death-bearing pall over Iranians. A proud people with enviable heritage is being systematically purged of its sense of identity and forced to think and behave like the barbaric and intolerant Muslims.
Iranians who had always treated women with equality, for instance, have seen them reduced by the stone-age clergy to sub-human status of Islamic teaching. Any attempt by the women of Iran to counter the misogynist rule of Muhammad’s mullahs is mercilessly suppressed. Women are beaten, imprisoned, raped and killed just as men are slaughtered without due process or mercy.
One must pay attention to how Islamists engage others in discussion. When they don't like what they hear, they resort to ridicule, accusations and name-calling. Wouldn't it be wonderful if these people would, for once, were to abandon their primitive mindset and use a civilized method of dialogue?
What are the facts the Islamists dispute? The truth that they don't like? Well, that's tough. Truth is often unwelcome. If truth were to spread, it would reveal the true nature of Islam—something that is unacceptable to an Islamic ruling class. Yet, it is light to our feet. We really must be truthful even if it hurts and often it does. Are there any questions about the facts?
1. Muhammad died and did not leave a written will (he was illiterate, that's understandable). So, his high-ranking disciples began scheming for leadership. The Shias claim that Muhammad verbally indicated that Ali was to lead his Ummah. Well, 90% of the Muslims say, no he did not and the Caliphate system was the way to go.
2. Shortly after Muhammad's death, Ali was killed by some disgruntled Muslim, for whatever reason. Violence was part and parcel of Islam from the get-go.
3. Then, there was a battle between Yazid's forces and Hussein, wasn't there? Hussein and his band of relatives-followers got butchered. Well, friends, that's the nature of the beast called war.
4. To this day, Shias bloody themselves, their children, even their babies with self-flagellation in a most horrid way in aza dari (mourning) for what happened to Hussein. What good does this do, other than perpetuate a sense of defeatism and fanaticism that mitigates against Iranians freeing themselves from the yoke of the conniving mullahs? In fact Hussein’s decree to murder and enslave the “inferior Iranians” has been recorded in history, but is kept a secret from the average Iranian Muslim—part of the culture of deceit that is built into Islam. Yet, Iranians are told by the mullahs to go out during the month of Ashura and beat themselves over the death of Hussein, their sworn enemy!!!
The long-suffering Iranian people must put the past behind them and use their excellent talents to not only join the advanced world, but lead it. What a shame to remain stuck in this horrid mentality of victimization. Iranians deserve better than being manipulated by a bunch of mullahs who have been having a great ride on the back of the ignorant poor by deceiving the poor and the ignorant with empty promises of all the goodies, promised in the afterlife.
Forget the afterlife and pay attention to the plight of the suffering masses. Stop playing politics with the lives of the people. Those responsible for this sham have no heart and no shame. Let the bad bygones be bygones, and use the marvelous human potential of Iranians to provide, opportunities to better themselves and their families.
The most important step in the direction of emancipation of our people is the establishment of the rule of law -- not the barbaric Sharia -- to grant all Iranians, male and female, young and old, of any and all beliefs, equal rights.
We Iranians don’t have a dog in this fight. In fact we should rid ourselves of all Islamic stains, Shia, Sunni, or whatever, and with it stop playing victims of one power or another. Playing victim may give psychological relief but doesn’t solve and problems on the ground, and problems on the ground we have aplenty.
Let's look forward and do something about the sorry plight of the Iranian people today so that future generation can recall this generations of Iranians as trailblazers who had the courage to break from the bleak past and launch a bright future.
By: Amil Imani
Since its inception fourteen hundred years ago, Islam has been at war with the people of this planet. Millions of people have been literally butchered with the sword of Islam.
Some may argue that all religions at one point in time have committed crimes against humanity. That may be so, but none of the existing world religions' foundation has been based upon shedding the blood of its innocent conquered. Islam lives, breathes and grows on blood. Once we take away this red element from Islam, Islam will vanish completely. Islam cannot possibly live in the hearts and minds of its believers. Islam needs to shed the blood of the infidels, meaning all non-Muslims. Islam is about world domination. Fear of pain and punishment for non-conformism is part of being a Muslim.
Muslims are radical even in their intrafaith dealings. Various sects and sub-sects pronounce other sects and sub-sects as heretics worthy of death; women are treated as chattel, deprived of many rights; hands are chopped for stealing even a loaf of bread; sexual “violations” and “indiscretions”, as defined and delimited by Islamic Sharia is punishable by stoning, and much much more. These are standard day-to-day ways of the mainstream “moderate” Muslims living under the stone-age laws of Sharia (Islamic jurisprudence).
The “moderate” mainstream of Islam has been outright genocidal from inception. Their own historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and the son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in the presence of the Prophet himself. The Prophet of Allah and his disciples took the murdered men’s’ women and children into slavery.
“Ali, who is the successor of God on the earth, and known to fight with a double edged sword, ordered the warriors to cut off the heads of the nonbelievers. Zobair assisted him in finishing this job. Ali also ordered the distribution of the captives and their property [i.e. the ‘booty’] among the Muslims, in accord with Sa’ad’s (b. Mu’adh) decision regarding the fate of the defeated Jews [i.e., the Qurayzah]. After the battle [and executions], Ali ordered everyone [of the Muslims] to return home. Sa’ad (b. Mu’adh) who had been very anxious during the battle, was now happy and praised God upon completion of his task. Then [later] they [i.e., the Muslims] celebrated and enjoyed beautiful women.”
Muslims are taught deception and lying in the Quran itself—something that Muhammad practiced during his life whenever he found it expedient. Successive Islamic rulers and leaders have done the same.
Khomeini, the founder of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, for instance, rallied the people under the banner of democracy. All along his support for democracy was not a commitment of an honest man, but a ruse. As soon as he gathered the reins of power, Khomeini went after the “Useful Idiots” of his time with vengeance. These best children of Iran, having been thoroughly deceived and used by the crafty phony populist-religionist, had to flee the country to avoid the fate of tens of thousands who were imprisoned or executed by the double-crossing “imam Khomeini.
Throughout centuries, Iranians continued to prevent Islam from making inroads into their cultural identity and divesting them of their heritage. Knowing their culture well, they influenced events and paved the way for posterity to turn the tide. From the beginning, three lines of resistance has become distinct: administrative manipulation, political resistance, and intellectual nonconformity.
Almost three decades after the tragic Islamic Revolution of 1979, the suffocating rule of Islam casts its death-bearing pall over Iranians. A proud people with enviable heritage is being systematically purged of its sense of identity and forced to think and behave like the barbaric and intolerant Muslims.
Iranians who had always treated women with equality, for instance, have seen them reduced by the stone-age clergy to sub-human status of Islamic teaching. Any attempt by the women of Iran to counter the misogynist rule of Muhammad’s mullahs is mercilessly suppressed. Women are beaten, imprisoned, raped and killed just as men are slaughtered without due process or mercy.
One must pay attention to how Islamists engage others in discussion. When they don't like what they hear, they resort to ridicule, accusations and name-calling. Wouldn't it be wonderful if these people would, for once, were to abandon their primitive mindset and use a civilized method of dialogue?
What are the facts the Islamists dispute? The truth that they don't like? Well, that's tough. Truth is often unwelcome. If truth were to spread, it would reveal the true nature of Islam—something that is unacceptable to an Islamic ruling class. Yet, it is light to our feet. We really must be truthful even if it hurts and often it does. Are there any questions about the facts?
1. Muhammad died and did not leave a written will (he was illiterate, that's understandable). So, his high-ranking disciples began scheming for leadership. The Shias claim that Muhammad verbally indicated that Ali was to lead his Ummah. Well, 90% of the Muslims say, no he did not and the Caliphate system was the way to go.
2. Shortly after Muhammad's death, Ali was killed by some disgruntled Muslim, for whatever reason. Violence was part and parcel of Islam from the get-go.
3. Then, there was a battle between Yazid's forces and Hussein, wasn't there? Hussein and his band of relatives-followers got butchered. Well, friends, that's the nature of the beast called war.
4. To this day, Shias bloody themselves, their children, even their babies with self-flagellation in a most horrid way in aza dari (mourning) for what happened to Hussein. What good does this do, other than perpetuate a sense of defeatism and fanaticism that mitigates against Iranians freeing themselves from the yoke of the conniving mullahs? In fact Hussein’s decree to murder and enslave the “inferior Iranians” has been recorded in history, but is kept a secret from the average Iranian Muslim—part of the culture of deceit that is built into Islam. Yet, Iranians are told by the mullahs to go out during the month of Ashura and beat themselves over the death of Hussein, their sworn enemy!!!
The long-suffering Iranian people must put the past behind them and use their excellent talents to not only join the advanced world, but lead it. What a shame to remain stuck in this horrid mentality of victimization. Iranians deserve better than being manipulated by a bunch of mullahs who have been having a great ride on the back of the ignorant poor by deceiving the poor and the ignorant with empty promises of all the goodies, promised in the afterlife.
Forget the afterlife and pay attention to the plight of the suffering masses. Stop playing politics with the lives of the people. Those responsible for this sham have no heart and no shame. Let the bad bygones be bygones, and use the marvelous human potential of Iranians to provide, opportunities to better themselves and their families.
The most important step in the direction of emancipation of our people is the establishment of the rule of law -- not the barbaric Sharia -- to grant all Iranians, male and female, young and old, of any and all beliefs, equal rights.
We Iranians don’t have a dog in this fight. In fact we should rid ourselves of all Islamic stains, Shia, Sunni, or whatever, and with it stop playing victims of one power or another. Playing victim may give psychological relief but doesn’t solve and problems on the ground, and problems on the ground we have aplenty.
Let's look forward and do something about the sorry plight of the Iranian people today so that future generation can recall this generations of Iranians as trailblazers who had the courage to break from the bleak past and launch a bright future.
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