Islamic Republic terror machine once again has taken off at the speed of light in Iran and exemplifies a depraved, clerical system of government, which legitimizes its depravity through a series of terror, fear and intimidation of Iranian people. With the additional handpicking of the newly selected members of the Islamic "Majles," the clergies have intensified their terror and war against the people of Iran and their insatiable appetite for another holocaust against the Jewish State, at all cost. The leaders of the Islamic Republic have gone completely mad.
The Islamic Republic has stationed revolutionary and militia troops to actively and deliberately prevent anyone from any demonstrations or objections against the totalitarian regime. They are planning to silence people by any means available to them.
Parents who inquire at police headquarters about their arrested sons and daughters could be taken away or simply disappear. Students are tortured and, on many occasions, murdered for crimes they never committed. And yet, we see many western governments are engaging and heavily investing in the Islamic Republic where its survival depends upon shedding the blood of innocent Iranians.
The members of the Guardian Council determine the goals of the state and the means of achieving them in almost complete isolation from the people. They believe that the interests of the individual are to be sacrificed to those of the clergies and the Islamic agendas, which are in contrast with the needs and the goals of 90 percent of the Iranian population.
During the previous presidential "election," only a small percentage of the voters bothered to vote, since voting under the pre-screening system of the mullahs is more like selection than election. The result of staying away from the polls materialized in the person of the intransigent, Islamofascist Ahmadinejad and his abiding Islamic death-based beliefs.
The litany of Islamic death-based beliefs and actions is long indeed. It is, therefore, understandable that Iran’s Mullahs are obsessed agents of death. Islam, the Mullahs and their fanatic follower’s system of belief, denigrates life and glorifies death. To these people, death is not death. It is martyrdom, a sure passage to the unimaginably magnificent eternal paradise promised in the Quran.
Under the rule of these adherents of death, everything in Iran is deteriorating and dying. In spite of huge oil revenues, the per capita income of the Iranians is now about one fourth of what it was before the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Every form of misery has also skyrocketed. Drug addiction, prostitution and suicide have gone through the roof. The young and the educated continue deserting Iran and family, fleeing to the four corners of the world in search of a decent life.
The Islamic Republic has subjected all aspects of Persian society to strict control, not tolerating even the slightest expression of local initiative, let alone political unorthodoxy. The regime's leadership feels especially threatened by the intelligentsia, the writers, the poets, the journalists and the human rights activists whom they started to kidnap and murder in 1998. This action is known as "the chain murders.
"Eighteen people - three principals and 15 accomplices - were charged with assassinating five dissident writers and politicians in 1998. They are said to have been part of a 'terror machine' working for the establishment. The accused are described routinely in the Iranian media as 'rogue elements' of the Intelligence Ministry. They were led by Saeed Imami, a senior ministry official, reported to have committed suicide in detention in June 1999 by drinking hair remover while having a bath."
Despite being a signatory to international treaties that clearly prohibit the heinous practice of child execution in Iran, the Islamic regime has carried out and continues to carry out, many executions for crimes committed by people younger than 18 years of age, against international law. In 2006, the President of the Islamic Republic, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blocked efforts to stop juvenile executions in Iran, according to Human Rights Watch.
Thousands of lives have ended by evil, despicable acts of terror in the land that was the cradle of civilization, and now acts to cradle Islamic Terrorism. When the evil empire of communism in Russia was still alive, no one envisioned a more determined and more complicated evil empire would soon emerge. Islamic terrorism is responsible for the death of millions of innocent lives since its inception 1400 year ago.
The founder of Islam said, "invitation first, that is, call them first to embrace Islam. If they refuse, then war." That is how Islam advanced in Iran and completely burned and destroyed the most advanced library and the relics of one of the greatest and most civilized empires this world has ever known. They turned it to the darkest chapters of Persian history, and 1400 years later, we see a replication of history right in front of our own eyes, except, now, they are equipped with the weapons of mass destruction and willing to use them at any time and at any cost, in the name “Allah”.
I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people till they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah, and perform Salat and give Zakat , so if they perform all that, then they save their lives, and properties from me except for Islamic laws, and their reckoning (accounts) will be with (done by) Allah." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.1, Hadith No.24)
I heard the Prophet saying, “In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. They will give good talks, but they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out of its game, their faith will not exceed their throats. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection.” (Bukhari, 6:6:577)
The Islamic regime is merely following the footsteps of its holy prophet, hence they are murdering people for the sake of Allah "The sword," said the holy prophet "is the key of heaven and hell; a drop of blood shed in the cause of Allah, a night spent in arms, is of more avail than two months of fasting or prayer: whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven at the day of judgment. His wounds will be resplendent as vermilion, and odoriferous as musk, and the loss of limbs shall be supplied by the wings of angels and of cherubim.
At this momentous era, we would do well to recall the example of an Irish-American President—John F. Kennedy—looking at the Communists’ Wall of Shame in Berlin, proclaiming, “Ich bin ein Berliner”—“I am a Berliner.” By so claiming, he helped rally free people of the world that brought down the wall and created a momentum that eventually swept the totalitarian Communist wall-builders into the dustbin of history.
Now the world is facing wall-builders of a different kind, the Islamofascists who have been at their shameless work for centuries. As their walls, built with superstition, discrimination and blood, are crumbling, they are intent on building walls in new territories.
But once again, human decency is rising to the challenge. This time, in the voice and actions of billions of free people who proclaim: we are also children of Iran in the spirit of Cyrus the Great; we meet any challenge and pay any price to defeat Islamofascism; and, we will not rest until humanity is completely free of the despotic rule of Islamofascism.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Islamobil: Mosque on Wheels
By: Amil Imani
In one of my articles, Terrorists’ Bill of Rights, I described how America will be taken over by the Muslims. I warned that Muslims do it first by establishing Mosques in every town and city. These mosques range from the ostentatious, such as the one in Washington D.C., to the academically-cloaked university Islamic centers, to the innocuous storefront types and even prison chapels. One and all have the same aims: Hold the faithful in line, recruit as many new adherents by any and all means, and indoctrinate one and all in the imperative of Islamic conquest.
It is in these Islamic places that the impressionable young and the fanatical adults are drilled with the duty to carry out Jihad against the Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—anyplace not completely under the rule of Islam.)
Operating this vast network of Islamism requires significant financing. Saudi Arabia has spent over $80 billion for these operations since 1970. The other Persian Gulf States, with their treasuries flush with oil money, have done and continue to do their share of financing.
Not to be out-done by the virulent Wahhabism of the Saudis and their co-sectist Sunnis, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been bank-rolling its own array of clientele in the Middle East, much of Africa, and as far away as Southeast Asia and Latin America in a push for Shiism. The-non-Muslim world is literally caught in a pincer of the two rabid Islamic forces.
There are those who still delude themselves by preferring to believe that Islam has not made as many inroads into the United States as it has in other parts of the world, such as Europe. Facts prove otherwise.
According to a National Portrait, a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US. According to the latest report, this number has sky-rocketed to as many as 6,000 mosques in 2008.
Two years ago, the Islamobil debuted in Germany to teach the German people what a peaceful religion Islam really is. The concept of Islamobil appears to be the brainchild of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a way of taking the mosque to the people who lack a Takeyeh (mosque) in their own neighborhood.
In addition to all the stationary and mobile mosques, Islam is advanced by a large cadre of auxiliaries. Dr. Paul Williams (former FBI consultant, best-selling author and investigative journalist) reports that many Muslim businesses around the country conduct their regular businesses during the day and in the evening they turn their stores into Islamic gathering places. There are several thousands of these make-shift “Takeyehs”.
Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated the democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of theocracy and Sharia. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.
America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. We must keep in mind that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73
Irrespective of what the term Islam may mean, the facts on the ground conclusively demonstrate Islam's violent nature from its very inception. No need to go back to the time of Muhammad and examine the historical records. Just a few contemporary events should make the point. Here is a partial list: the savage Shiite-Sunni bloodletting in Iraq; the barbarism of the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan; the genocide in Sudan's Darfur region; the Somali killings; the Iranian mullahs' murder of their own people and support of mischief abroad; the cross-border attack on Israel by Lebanese Hizbollah; the incessant terrorist acts of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and the Fatwas of the Palestinians against Israel.
As a group, Islamists are paranoid and suffer chronically from the disease of victimization. That is, they either victimize the helpless whenever and wherever they can, or scream murder against the strong. This mentality is one of the many bequests that Muhammad left for his Ummah. And it is well-known that paranoia is a powerful impeller to acts of violence. The Quran commands the faithful to make war against the non-Muslims and the deeply paranoia-inflicted Muslims are just too happy to comply.
Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight in Mecca, packed his bags and fled to Medina where the Jews were not as vicious as his own Quraish tribe who ran the lucrative tourist business of the idolaters.
Once in Medina with a band of booty-hungry followers, Muhammad was metamorphosed to a cruel victimizer, with the Jews as handy and tempting easy prey.
The handwriting is on the wall. The wall is presently covered with bold letters on the other side of the Atlantic: Islam is taking over with much of the Sharia law in effect in many parts of Europe, including the source of our Common Law, Great Britain.
Before long, we can expect the arrival of the Islamobil in this land to join forces with the already-in-place Islamic digs called mosques to help replace our free and secular society with the barbaric Islamic rule and its Sharia.
With the average citizen, and not the devious and for-purchase-politicians, rests the solemn obligation to act, and act now, to compel our government to stem the tide of Islamism before it is too late.
I am not an alarmist. Please take time and read the reports of what is happening in Europe. Also, investigate how the petrodollar-intoxicated Islamists are buying people and services they need to further their aim. Freedom is priceless. We should accept no price for it nor should we allow anyone to tender freedom to the invaders on our behalf.
In one of my articles, Terrorists’ Bill of Rights, I described how America will be taken over by the Muslims. I warned that Muslims do it first by establishing Mosques in every town and city. These mosques range from the ostentatious, such as the one in Washington D.C., to the academically-cloaked university Islamic centers, to the innocuous storefront types and even prison chapels. One and all have the same aims: Hold the faithful in line, recruit as many new adherents by any and all means, and indoctrinate one and all in the imperative of Islamic conquest.
It is in these Islamic places that the impressionable young and the fanatical adults are drilled with the duty to carry out Jihad against the Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—anyplace not completely under the rule of Islam.)
Operating this vast network of Islamism requires significant financing. Saudi Arabia has spent over $80 billion for these operations since 1970. The other Persian Gulf States, with their treasuries flush with oil money, have done and continue to do their share of financing.
Not to be out-done by the virulent Wahhabism of the Saudis and their co-sectist Sunnis, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been bank-rolling its own array of clientele in the Middle East, much of Africa, and as far away as Southeast Asia and Latin America in a push for Shiism. The-non-Muslim world is literally caught in a pincer of the two rabid Islamic forces.
There are those who still delude themselves by preferring to believe that Islam has not made as many inroads into the United States as it has in other parts of the world, such as Europe. Facts prove otherwise.
According to a National Portrait, a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US. According to the latest report, this number has sky-rocketed to as many as 6,000 mosques in 2008.
Two years ago, the Islamobil debuted in Germany to teach the German people what a peaceful religion Islam really is. The concept of Islamobil appears to be the brainchild of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a way of taking the mosque to the people who lack a Takeyeh (mosque) in their own neighborhood.
In addition to all the stationary and mobile mosques, Islam is advanced by a large cadre of auxiliaries. Dr. Paul Williams (former FBI consultant, best-selling author and investigative journalist) reports that many Muslim businesses around the country conduct their regular businesses during the day and in the evening they turn their stores into Islamic gathering places. There are several thousands of these make-shift “Takeyehs”.
Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated the democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of theocracy and Sharia. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.
America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. We must keep in mind that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73
Irrespective of what the term Islam may mean, the facts on the ground conclusively demonstrate Islam's violent nature from its very inception. No need to go back to the time of Muhammad and examine the historical records. Just a few contemporary events should make the point. Here is a partial list: the savage Shiite-Sunni bloodletting in Iraq; the barbarism of the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan; the genocide in Sudan's Darfur region; the Somali killings; the Iranian mullahs' murder of their own people and support of mischief abroad; the cross-border attack on Israel by Lebanese Hizbollah; the incessant terrorist acts of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and the Fatwas of the Palestinians against Israel.
As a group, Islamists are paranoid and suffer chronically from the disease of victimization. That is, they either victimize the helpless whenever and wherever they can, or scream murder against the strong. This mentality is one of the many bequests that Muhammad left for his Ummah. And it is well-known that paranoia is a powerful impeller to acts of violence. The Quran commands the faithful to make war against the non-Muslims and the deeply paranoia-inflicted Muslims are just too happy to comply.
Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight in Mecca, packed his bags and fled to Medina where the Jews were not as vicious as his own Quraish tribe who ran the lucrative tourist business of the idolaters.
Once in Medina with a band of booty-hungry followers, Muhammad was metamorphosed to a cruel victimizer, with the Jews as handy and tempting easy prey.
The handwriting is on the wall. The wall is presently covered with bold letters on the other side of the Atlantic: Islam is taking over with much of the Sharia law in effect in many parts of Europe, including the source of our Common Law, Great Britain.
Before long, we can expect the arrival of the Islamobil in this land to join forces with the already-in-place Islamic digs called mosques to help replace our free and secular society with the barbaric Islamic rule and its Sharia.
With the average citizen, and not the devious and for-purchase-politicians, rests the solemn obligation to act, and act now, to compel our government to stem the tide of Islamism before it is too late.
I am not an alarmist. Please take time and read the reports of what is happening in Europe. Also, investigate how the petrodollar-intoxicated Islamists are buying people and services they need to further their aim. Freedom is priceless. We should accept no price for it nor should we allow anyone to tender freedom to the invaders on our behalf.
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