Stand and Fight, or Cut and Run: You DecideOctober 12th, 2006
Mid-term elections are just around the corner. Polls show that many Americans are unhappy with the Republicans and are likely to vote for Democrats. Fine and dandy. This is America where the voter is king. And when one is king, he needs to be a wise king.
The foremost topic on the mind of the voter is the Iraq mess. Republicans, particularly the person of George W. Bush, are blamed for making the mess and not being able to clean it. So, the Democrats may be the answer, some think.
The Democrats can indeed be the answer. Unfortunately, their answer most likely will be disastrous. Faced with a ruthless enemy bent on your destruction, you either stand and fight or cut and run hoping that the enemy will not pursue you to your grave.
Once again it is decision time. We do well to recognize that short-sighted people with short memories are prone to make terrible choices, even when they have the best of intentions.
So, we want to refresh the voters’ memory to help them in making wise decisions. The vote you cast will not simply replace one politician with another. At this point in time, every vote has great existential implications. Whether we like it or not, we are truly in a war of survival with Islamofascism.
You cannot negotiate co-existence—live and let live—with Islamofascists any more than the Clinton administration succeeded with its compact with North Korea. Before the ink dried on the Clinton-North Korea agreement, the North Koreans embarked on cheating. Now, we are faced with a suicidal-genocidal adversary with nuclear weapons headed by a megalomaniac playboy.
The present mess in Iraq is plenty bad. Perhaps mistakes were made. Perhaps we should not have invaded the country. Perhaps we should have kept up the terribly costly over-flights over Saddam to keep him in his cage. Perhaps we should have taken our chances with the French and the Russians who were ruthlessly working to end Iraq’s embargo to enrich themselves from ill-begotten deals with Hitlerian Saddam. Perhaps we should have ignored all reports that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD. All this hindsight was not at hand, unfortunately, when the decision was made.
Admittedly, Iraq is a mess. The Administration claims that there is progress, although much killing, mostly internecine, goes on. But, should we cut and run as many Democrats demand? The Democrats say that we should quickly bring our men and women home and let the Sunnis and Shiites and the rest of the Jihadists kill one another all they want. They further appeal to the pocketbook of the taxpayer by saying that the billions going down the Iraq sinkhole can be spent on the sorely needed domestic projects. Sounds good indeed, as if it were the only true and prudent thing to do.
But the battle in Iraq is all about power.
Islamofascists want power and the region is flush with it—oil. The factional fighting is about who is going to get control of the oil spigot. He who controls the spigot shall dictate his terms to all the oil addicts of the world. That’s us. Then starts the real “negotiation” with the turbaned oil barons. Muslims’ preferred negotiation style is very straightforward. You give, they take. You give as much as they can extract now and you will be forced to give the rest of whatever they want down the road. What is it that you have to give? Whatever they demand. You want oil? You comply and meet their terms.
Keep in mind that Islamofascists have a compact with Allah that allows them to make and break any commitment to anyone at any point. They share this “justifiable” deception belief with their atheistic kin, the Communists—the end justifies the means. It is indeed foolish for principled people to delude themselves into thinking that the Islamofascists honor the commitments they make. History is replete with instances where Muslims have sworn and sealed the Quran with a compact and have turned right around and violated their promise at terrible costs to their victims who took them for their word.
What are some of the Islamofascists oil barons’ terms? Just a few for starters:
* The United States of America completely pack and leave the Middle East.
* All kafir oil addicts pay for their fix through the nose.
* Islam to be granted all its God-given rights in kafir lands.
* The entire package of sharia stone-age rules and laws supercede local rules and laws.
* Mosques, Islamic centers and medressehs be granted privileged status and exempted from civil scrutiny and laws.
* Women be relegated to their Islamic place—caged in the house, deprived of education, don the hijab, and live at the pleasure of men.
* Taliban-type of Islamic purity becomes the standard.
Now, is all the above just fear-mongering and Democrat-bashing at election time?
You are free to see it that way. But, it is always more prudent to go with the facts than fiction. Do you think the Democratic fumble with North Korea under Clinton was an isolated instance? Well, what about Clinton occupying himself with handling other things instead of the Osama problem? Do you buy the story that he truly devastated Osama by firing a few missiles into the rocks of Afghanistan?
What about that other Democratic genius, Jimmy Carter’s handling of the 1979 Revolution in Iran? The 1979 uprising of the Iranian people was hardly Islamic until Carter and his mis-advisors decided to support the mullahs, instead of going to the aid of the secular Iranians who yearned for a democratic society.
So, here are George W. Bush and the Republicans trying to clean up the horrific mess the Democrats left behind. The savage mullahs of Iran are plenty evil without the bomb. With the bomb, the end is truly at hand. The mullahs have no compunctions about killing tens of thousands of their own people. They have set up a “Special Court of the Clergy” to try and imprison any of their own clerics who dare to oppose their doomsday designs. They even arrest and torture the ordinarily untouchable ayatollahs for speaking up for the rule of law and tolerance.
These are terribly trying times. Free people must decide their priorities with foresight and wisdom and shy away from shortsighted simplistic solutions. It is by far more prudent to face the implacable Islamofascists on the march now than to cut and run.
There is no safe place to run.
Our best hope for safety is to firmly resist Islamofascism in all its forms. We Iranian-Americans greatly cherish freedom, perhaps a bit more than others, because we have been first-hand witnesses to the horrors of Islamofascism. And we keep in mind that freedom is not free. Anyone or any party that promises otherwise is either a fool or a charlatan.
1 comment:
Hello Mr. Imani
Followed the link to your site after I read your article on opinion piece on Arutz Sheva, actually I returned to read it again, first time was on Nov 07, and I'd like to say thanks for sharing with us your great writing. I had left a comment on the 7th and at the time there was only one comment so I wanted to read what others thought and didn't realize you had a site until Carol mentioned it in hers (she obviously also appreciated your writings).
For some reason I assumed the writer was an Israeli Jew even after reading your name, and until I read your "Stand and Fight, or Cut and Run: You Decide," which by the way was another really great piece, I didn't know you were an American, too.
I'm up in Montana but came here from Phoenix, AZ where the small tobacco store I patronize is Iranian owned. It's a little difficult to just go in buy tobacco and leave, since I really enjoy our conversations and often end up sitting at the table and chairs (don't see that in a lot of business' it's pretty clever) and we talk about everything from what's going on in our part of town to business and beyond. Although, they have given me the indication there are some ill feelings toward Iran's government, we never discussed it in detail, and so it was fortunate to discover your site since reading your writing has filled in some blanks.
The day of 09-11 and beyond I was so angry, a couple days later I went in to buy cigarettes and they seemed upset. At first I thought maybe I had offended them somehow, then I realized it was 9-11, they were expecting to be held somehow responsible for it. Maybe it's that good conversation is rare or just that they had been my store for so long it didn't dawn on me right away. Thought a few words of assurance might help, so said them and he smiled and showed a large pistol he had behind the counter. We both got a chuckle out of it, and I'm sure glad they stayed.
Every time Iran comes up I think of them, even though they live here now I wouldn't want anything to happen to them if they didn't, and until fairly recently I urged people to be patient with Iran, but finally it reached a point, the rulers just want that bomb too bad...I think they'll use it.
This thing is just so bad and now that democrats got back in it's so much worse. Appeasement, as much as the terrorists themselves, brought us 9-11, how could my countrymen be so stupid?
So many lives at stake here, are we just going to abandon Iraqis now too like we did the Vietnamese? For a lot of democrats abandoning Israel has little to do with the public reasons they give, I've witnessed too many who privately reveal a hatred for Jews only Hitler could have appreciated. God knows we as a country did Serbs twice, first abandoning them to the communists, then returning to help al-Qaeda murder thousands and make millions more refugees for daring to defend themselves against the al-Qaeda backed Jihad.
Well, we're having a little trouble getting the word out, my friend. It won't be long and the democrat base will be screaming to "cut and run"... we'll see what they do... I have the feeling you and I both know. Almost have wonder if attention span and the ability to look at the past and present to estimate the likely future are connected, for Americans as one got shorter the other got weaker. And what happened to our moral compass?
Comes to it I won't run, something tells me you won't either, if you're like the store owner, you'll stay. Anyway, it's good to be able to call you my fellow American.
I'll be sharing your writing with others and urging them to visit your site, and since I couldn't read it all this time I'll be back.
Best wishes,
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