Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Iranians Are Friends of the Jews

Is there anyone left in the world that does not know the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, hates the Jews? His welcoming of representatives of an extremist branch of Orthodox Judaism to his conference denying the Holocaust reminded us of the Nazis' use of some Jewish community leaders to facilitate the deportation of the Jews to the death camps.

This devout man of Allah, Ahmadinejad, known affectionately by Iranians as “The Monkey” for his non-stop silly and embarrassing antics should be given a fair hearing, never mind the fact that he would not even think of doing the same for others. What makes The Monkey more than a laughing stock is what he represents and the power he wields at arousing millions of his co-Islamofascists against the “undesirables” of the world.

For some reasons, Jews are on the top of The Monkey’s hit list as they have been in the same position of “honor” with other past fascists of the world. Perhaps precedence by itself constitutes the basis for arriving at a verdict, as is sometimes the case in the law.

And when it comes to the Jews’ guilty verdict, there is no shortage of precedence. Jews have been around for a long time and have been a convenient target of scapegoating. People being people have a difficult time looking at themselves for their problems. It is by far easier to find others to blame than to try to mend one’s own ways. So the Jews became convenient scapegoats for bigots, the fascists, and all manners of malevolent louts.

This is neither the place, nor is it necessary for the purpose of this article to provide an exhaustive documentation of the historical suffering of the Jewish people. The main purpose of this article is to tell the world that Iranians are proud of their historical friendship with the Jewish people. The bond of friendship goes back to the landmark action of King Cyrus the Great of Persia. In 537 B.C., having conquered Babylon, the benevolent King Cyrus freed the Jews from captivity and empowered them to return to the Promised Land and build their temple.

For his acts of kindness, Cyrus the Great is immortalized in the Bible in several passages and called “the anointed of the Lord.” The Jews throughout the recorded history looked to Cyrus’ people, the Iranians, as their friends and protectors against oppressors such as the Seleucids and the Romans. There existed, in the ancient world, a universal admiration for the beliefs and practices of the Persians as enshrined in Cyrus Charter of Human Rights. Even the Greeks, the traditional adversaries of the Persians, called Cyrus “The Lawgiver.”

The return of the Jews to the Promised Land did not mark the end of their ordeal. Successive waves of ill-wishers, notably the Romans and then the savage Muslims unleashed their unjustified wrath on the Jews.

The Jewish people, in spite of suffering huge losses at the hands of their enemies, remained resilient and, with one exception, outlived their tormentors. The Pogroms in Russia, the ghettoization in much of Europe, and even the genocidal Hitlerism failed to wipe out the Jews.

One diehard enemy, Islam, has been hard at work for some 1400 years to complete the work of finishing off the Jews that Muhammad himself had started.

Iranians are saddened and ashamed by the appearance of Ahmadinejad on the international scene and his declared intent to wipe out the Jewish homeland from the face of the earth. Ahmadinejad is not an Iranian. Numerous photos show him proudly donning the Arab headscarf around his neck—a Palestinian headscarf that presently stands as a symbol of Arabo-Islamic genocidal hate campaign against the Jews as well as non-believers of all stripes.

Ahmadinejad does not represent the Iranian people any more than his turbaned-colleagues presently ruling Iran do. What needs to be understood is that in fact Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs, above all else, are true Muslims and despise anything “Iranian” and its ancient “pre-Islamic” heritage.

You can tell a true Muslim by the ferocity of his hatred. Islam is driven by hate. And the Islamic hate is so intense and blind that it consumes even its own adherents. Just consider, for instance, the rocketing of mosques full of Friday worshippers by one sect of the religion of peace against another sect of the same religion. Or, the raging gun battle between the Hamas thugs and the Fatah murderers in the Palestinian territory.

Iranian Muslims are victims of the Islamic virus that has destroyed in them their traditional respect for diversity. It is the Iranian ancient fundamental belief in the validity and value of diversity that has held the nation together over the millennia.

The diverse people who give Iran its enduring strength include Persians, Azaris, Kurds, Baluchis, Torkemans, Arabs and more: one and all have their allegiance to Iran as an idea and a nation. Iranians are spiritual children of Cyrus the Great and adherents of his Charter—the first Charter of Human Rights—that clearly proclaims the equal rights and worth of the beliefs and practices of all people.

Islam overtook Iran and brutally strived to replace the traditional lofty Iranian belief in human rights with its barbaric exclusionary dogma of the primitive Bedouin Arabs. Regrettably, the forced subjugation of the Iranians succeeded to some degree in transmitting the Islamic psychosocial virus to many Iranians. The virus transforms the person into a bigot—one who sees only his way and his belief as the right way and the only right mandate. Any and all people who do not see things his way are wrong and must be reformed by whatever means, including eradication, if the bigot sees fit.

True Iranians have remained friends of the Jews by both belief as well as deeds. During the shameful Hitlerian campaign of exterminating the Jews, for instance, Iranian missions in Europe, notably the one in France, issued Iranian passports to facilitate the flight of French and other European Jews from the claws of Nazis and their gas chambers—the very gas chambers that the true Muslim, disgracing Iranians, Ahmadinejad, denies ever existed.

Iranians stand for the right of the Jews as well as the equal rights under the law for any and all religious and secular people. Iranians believe that Islamofascism is a present and imminent danger and call on all free peoples of the world to do all they can to frustrate its “Pogrom,” heeding Martin Niemoller’s warning:

"They came for the communists, and I did not speak up because I wasn't a communist; They came for the socialists, and I did not speak up because I was not a socialist; They came for the union leaders, and I did not speak up because I wasn't a union leader; They came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up for me."


Anonymous said...

I am amazed at what I have just read! What percentage of Iranians feel the way you do?? And why can't the people overthrow the regime already?? I pray that they do before something terrrible happens to keep Achmadinjad from using a nuclear weapon.

Editor said...

Although Iran and Israel seem to be fierce enemies, not many people know that Iran is and has been home to the largest number of Jews anywhere in the Middle East outside Israel. The Iranian Jews have been very proud of their Iranian culture as well as their Jewish roots. Iranians have never had any animosity toward the Jewish people. In fact, our friendship with the Jews goes back thousands of years. There are Millions of Iranians like me who have the exact sentiments about the Jewish community. This is a fact. It is only a natural thing for any Iranian to love and care for the Jewish people. The circus of hate in Tehran, billed as a “ conference”, was nothing more than a disgusting attempt by the savage inheritors of Muhammad’s dogma of hate to continue in his tradition of wanton attacks on all unbelievers, particularly the Jews.

Iranians dearly love their homeland and deeply grieve at its sad plight under the oppressive yoke of the mullahs. These mullahs have been riding on the back of the Iranian public for centuries. They are shameless and they don't seem to have any humanity in them. Unfortunately, most Iranians are not able to come forward and express their true feelings. This was confirmed by the massive e-mails I received.

Iranian people cannot topple the regime all alone simply because the Islamic regime would silence them immediately. They have all the guns and people have nothing.

We hold the betrayers of our heritage of friendship and respect for all people accountable for their crimes against us and all humans who are affronted by the shameless actions of the propagators of hate.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Imani

This is one of the most beautiful articles you have authored, and one of the truest - as several Iranian friends and colleagues of mine are confirming to me.

Anonymous said...

From an article in today's wsj.com http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110009438 :

The question of whether or not to recognize that state fell to Harry S. Truman. Raised in a Baptist household where he learned much of the Bible by heart, Truman had been a member of the pro-Zionist American Christian Palestine Committee and an advocate of the right of Jews--particularly Holocaust survivors--to immigrate to Palestine. He was naturally inclined to acknowledge the nascent state but encountered fervid opposition from the entire foreign policy establishment. If America sided with the Zionists, officials in the State and Defense departments cautioned, the Arabs would cut off oil supplies to the West, undermine America's economy, and expose Europe to Soviet invasion. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops would have to be sent to Palestine to save its Jews from massacre.

Truman listened carefully to these warnings and then, at 6:11 on the evening of May 14, he announced that the U.S. would be the first nation to recognize the newly declared State of Israel. While the decision may have stemmed in part from domestic political considerations, it is difficult to conceive that any politician, much less one of Truman's character, would have risked global catastrophe by recognizing a frail and miniscule country. More likely, the dramatic démarche reflected Truman's religious background and his commitment to the restorationist creed. Introduced a few weeks later to an American Jewish delegation as the president who had helped create Israel, Truman took umbrage and snapped, "What you mean 'helped create'? I am Cyrus"--a reference to the Persian king who returned the Jews from exile--"I am Cyrus!"

Anonymous said...

Dear Amil:

Thank you for what you are doing. It is people like you who will be blessed for speaking out for freedom and the truth for the Iranian people,and the rest of us. I wish the press would give as much attention to the Iranian people who do not agree with these Islamofacists, as they give to Mr. A and company. We, who want freedom for all people, will have to be brave because it's going to get worse. Mistakes will be made by all countries and many people, but no matter how anyone chooses to fight terror, even if we don't agree with their methods, we all know it exists! As individuals what can we do? What you are doing!!

We wish you and your family many blessings now and in the future, and hope that you will keep up the good work. I pray for protection over you as you step out in faith with the truth. I hope that you and many others in Iran who want their country back in the hands of people who will respect it and it's future, instead of trying to destroy it, will prevail! If the people can stop this terror in their midst from within, maybe the weaker ones, will finally see through the lies that have kept them in poverty, and promise only death.

You are in our prayers!



Anonymous said...

I just read your article “Iranians are friend of the Jews” and I just wanted to say that I loved it and it makes so much sense. I have read a lot of your information and it is always well written and makes such logical sense. This needs to be shown to the world and the US really needs to open their eyes to whats going on. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

I would like to say that the American peoples' hearts
are with the Iranian people of the great nation of
Persia. I know I can't speak for ALL of the American
people, but a lot of us feel this way.

It would seem your nation has been hijacked by
Islamofascists just as those three airliners were on
Sept, 11, 2001.

As Cyrus the Great obeyed God, so I pray your
government will come to serve the real God, not the
Mohammedan devil.